Sort by Last Name



Sorry if this posted twice. I have waited about 1/2 hour and my original post is not showing up. I am sure I phrased this better the first time but here goes.

I am using Crystal Reports to extract data from our practice management system which stores the patient's name as last_name, first_name, i.e. Doe, John F. i then run a formula in Crystal Reports to switch the name around to John F. Doe. I then export the file to Excel (simple name address c/s/z file) they use for mail merge of letters and other fun stuff through out the year. Once the data is in Excel, they want to be able to sort by last name but of course the name column now is listed as John F. Doe and will sort by first name. there might be a very easy solution to this or it might be impossilbe and of course it is Friday so I am not that excited about data management right now. Does anyone have any thoughts?
Thanks in advance
Mike Day


Mike said:
Sorry if this posted twice. I have waited about 1/2 hour and my original
post is not showing up. I am sure I phrased this better the first time but
here goes.
Then I suggest you look at how you are accessing the newsgroup, as your
original message appeared long ago and there have been several replies.
Reposting is quite unnecessary. If you are not accessing the microsoft
server directly, then you should do so. Mirror servers will lag, so avoid


I am accessing the microsoft server directly. i guess it is just slow today. yesterday, the posts were much faster.

Peo Sjoblom

Try a newsreader and access the server directly

you are using the windows CDO



Peo Sjoblom

Mike said:
I am accessing the microsoft server directly. i guess it is just slow
today. yesterday, the posts were much faster.

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