Sound animations second time around


D Kirkley

In my class, we are creating non-linear interactive
quizzes using PowerPoint. Students go to a slide with a
multiple choice question. If they click on an incorrect
answer, they go to a slide that says, Incorrect - Try
Again! - which returns them to the original question.

We inserted a sound on the Incorrect slide. When students
come to the slide the sound plays.

The problem we're having occurs when we come back to the
slide after having chosen a second incorrect answer. The
sound does not play. We've tried several different
settings but nothing seems to work.

Any suggestions?

D. Kirkley

Kathryn Jacobs

When PPT returns to a slide, it returns to the end of the slide. To get
around this, insert a blank slide in front of you incorrect answer slide.
Set this slide to transition automatically to the next slide (the incorrect
answer slide). (This will fake PPT into starting the incorrect answer slide
from the beginning and play the sound.)

Now for the tricky part: You need to go back to "previous slide" from the
beeping slide. Only problem is, it isn't the previous slide anymore. So,
set up a custom show with just the blank slide and the beeping slide. Set
up an action setting to hyperlink to the custom show and return.

Post back and let us know if this does what you need. (PS: This works in
2000 and more recent. I can't guarantee it works for 97.)

Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft PPT MVP
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