Speed Issues


Aaron Erickson


I am currently running a couple of multi-user front/back end databases (
Microsoft Access 2003) on my company's network server. Lately our network
traffic seems to have increased (I have no control over this) and as a
result some users are experiencing slow running apps. The databases are not
very big at all. Any tricks for speeding up a front end/back end connect
over a network. Please reply with constructive ideas.


Albert D. Kallal

The first thing you want to check is your basic setup:

The list of things to check for performance fixes is here:


Ok, assuming you DO PLACE the front end on EACH computer (correct? each user
has a copy of the front end..right???).

ok, assuming you checked tonys list.
ok, assuming you distribute a mde (not a mdb) to EACH users computer

It is also not clear how good of a network you have. (you might want to
check with your support people as to the speed rating). I have a good
rundown of speed on wide area network here:


Ok, after all of the above is said and done (and, you well checked out the
above suggestions), then
ok, next, you have to take off your gloves, and dig into the application

A few things:

having a table with 75,000 records is quite small. Lets assume you have 12
users. With a just a 100% file base system (jet), then the performance of
that system should really have screamed.

I have some applications out there with 50, or 60 HIGHLY related tables.
With 5 to 10 users on a network, response time is instant. I don't think any
form load takes more then one second. Many of those 60+ tables are highly
relational..and in the 50 to 75k records range.

However, good designs that make careful use of limited bandwidth resources
is the key here. If the application was not written with good
performance in mind..then you might be stuck with a poor design!

I mean, when using a JET file share, you grab a invoice from the 75k record
table..only the one record is transferred down the network with a file share
(and, sql server will also only transfer one record).

Here is a few tips:

Here is a few more tips:

** Ask the user what they need before you load a form!

The above is so simple, but so often I see the above concept ignored.
For example, when you walk up to a instant teller machine, does it
download every account number and THEN ASK YOU what you want to do? In
access, it is downright silly to open up form attached to a table WITHOUT
FIRST asking the user what they want! So, if it is a customer invoice, get
the invoice number, and then load up the form with the ONE record (how can
one record be slow!). When done editing the record...the form is closed, and
you are back to the prompt ready to do battle with the next customer. You
can read up on how this "flow" of a good user interface works here (and this
applies to both JET, or sql server applications):


My only point here is restrict the form to only the ONE record the user
needs. Of course, sub-forms, and details records don't apply to this rule,
but I am always dismayed how often a developer builds a nice form, attaches
it to a large table, and then opens it..and the throws this form attached to
some huge table..and then tells the users to go have at and have fun. Don't
we have any kind of concern for those poor users? Often, the user will not
even know how to search for something ! (so, prompt, and asking the user
also makes a HUGE leap forward in usability. And, the big bonus is reduced
network traffic too!...Gosh...better and faster, and less network
traffic....what more do we want!).

** You can continue to use bound forms..but as mentioned..restrict the form
to the one record you need. You can safely open up to a single invoice,and
even continue to use the "where" clause of the openform. Bound forms are way
less work then un-bound forms...and performance is generally just is good
anyway when done right.

** After how many users does the system starts to slow down
after. I mean, does the system run ok with 1 users, or 2..and then slow down
after 15 users for example? As mentioned, if performance is slow with one
user...what are you going to do when you have 10 users (that is 10 times the
amount of resources?

So, the key area to focus on is reduce the number of records transferred to
a form.

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