Stopping the little help window


M. Katz

I hope someone can suggest a way to "turn off" the little animated
help menu that pops up in PowerPoint X 10.1.5. Whenever I do a series
of similar pastes or other actions, since it's always spying on the
user, it pops up to say things I don't need to hear. Similar to the
way it pops up in Word when you type "Dear X" at the top of a
page--"Looks like you're trying to write a letter!" Duh.
I want to find a checkbox that says "please don't spy on me."

M. Katz

P.S. What really galls me most is that unlike any other program, when
you click the menu button to dismiss the help window, it sticks around
for 5 seconds to wave goodbye--sweet sorrow--as though I'd developed
some kind of sentimental attachement to the Windows hegemony that I
actually deeply resent.

Steve Rindsberg, PPTMVP

I don't have a copy of PowerPoint X yet; in other versions you can usually
right/ctrl+click the assistant or balloon he squats in to get an options
dialog where you can tell him not to respond to help requests.

I wish I could give you more specific instrux, but - you'll love this - I
can't figure out how to get the little guy TO appear in PPT 2001. I guess
word gets around. I've killed so many of his brothers and sisters that he's
afraid to show his face.



Steve Rindsberg PPT MVP
PPTLive ( ) Featured Speaker

TAJ Simmons


What happens if you right click (or the mac equivalent) the little b*%%er
....choose "options", then untick "use the office assistant", click OK.
That should sort it.

There really annoying I must agree.

TAJ Simmons
microsoft powerpoint mvp

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