Stopping Word adding Bullets


Ian A. White


How can I stop Word97 (and probably later) from automatically adding a
bullet at the start of a line if I have all the text in the line bold?
I know I can do a Ctrl+Z straight after it puts it and it will remove
it, but if I do not do this, the only way seems to be to delete the line
and re-do the whole line.



Ian A. White, CPEng
(e-mail address removed)
WAI Engineering
Sydney 2000

Ph: 0418 203 229 (Int'l: +61 418 203 229)
Fax: (02) 9622 0450 (Int'l: +61 2 9622 0450)

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Martin Sketchley

Try "tools/autocorrect/autoformat as you type" and/or "autoformat", then
unchecking things such as "automatic bulleted lists".

Ian A. White

Try "tools/autocorrect/autoformat as you type" and/or "autoformat", then
unchecking things such as "automatic bulleted lists".

Thanks for that.



Ian A. White, CPEng
(e-mail address removed)
WAI Engineering
Sydney 2000

Ph: 0418 203 229 (Int'l: +61 418 203 229)
Fax: (02) 9622 0450 (Int'l: +61 2 9622 0450)

Home Page:

Martin Sketchley

No problem. For what it's worth, you could also uncheck "*Bold* and _italic_
with real formatting", which can cause all sorts of problems.

Ian A. White

Try "tools/autocorrect/autoformat as you type" and/or "autoformat", then
unchecking things such as "automatic bulleted lists".

I jumped the gun a bit. This did not work.

If I start a new document, turn on Bold, and then type in a line with
the first or all letters capitalised, on pressing enter a square block
is added to the start of the line. This can be turned off immediately
with a Ctrl+Z, but if it is not, it cannot be without deleting the
entire line and re-typing it.

These square blocks do not print. It is just distracting and I have
been asked about this by many others but not been able to give them any

Any thoughts?



Ian A. White, CPEng
(e-mail address removed)
WAI Engineering
Sydney 2000

Ph: 0418 203 229 (Int'l: +61 418 203 229)
Fax: (02) 9622 0450 (Int'l: +61 2 9622 0450)

Home Page:

Edmund Gibbs

If you highlight the entire line then click on the bullet icon on your
toolbar, it should remove it automatically.

Bullet icon is a toggle i.e. click on/click off

Hope this helps.

Ian A. White

If you highlight the entire line then click on the bullet icon on your
toolbar, it should remove it automatically.

Bullet icon is a toggle i.e. click on/click off

Unfortunately it does not.

These are not the round bullets that come with the bullet toolbar icon.
These are little square block.

NORMAL.DOT contains some Heading styles, and picking one of these styles
sees these square blocks also appear. Nothing (other than deleting the
line) will seem them go away.



Ian A. White, CPEng
(e-mail address removed)
WAI Engineering
Sydney 2000

Ph: 0418 203 229 (Int'l: +61 418 203 229)
Fax: (02) 9622 0450 (Int'l: +61 2 9622 0450)

Home Page:

Ian A. White

If you highlight the entire line then click on the bullet icon on your
toolbar, it should remove it automatically.

Bullet icon is a toggle i.e. click on/click off

I finally worked it out after the various tips. It had to do with the
fact that there were Heading styles in my NORMAL.DOT template. It is a
case of knowing what to search for, and a search for Heading Style saw
an item which led me to turn off the option to "Define styles as you
type". At last I don't have to be on the look out for these blocks.




Ian A. White, CPEng
(e-mail address removed)
WAI Engineering
Sydney 2000

Ph: 0418 203 229 (Int'l: +61 418 203 229)
Fax: (02) 9622 0450 (Int'l: +61 2 9622 0450)

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