Strange error when view resource availability


Weerayuth S.

Hi there,

We are using MS EPM 2003 SP2 with PWA.
There is one user got problem when she want to view resource availability
from resource center page in PWA.

It's say.
"IE has encountered a problem with an add-on and needs to close.
File pjgrid11.ocx"

I found this error with only this user. The same error occured even when she
log-in other PC. Other users got no problem from her PC.

I tested deactivate and reactivite her user. The problem still occured.
I tested give more authorize to her. The problem still occured.

Have anyone know how to solve this problem?
Please help.

Weerayuth S.

Piet Remen

Hi there Weerayuth. This file is an active X component the Project Server
uses. I have had a simillar problem before after installing a service pack
whereby the active x components need to be re-installed to the browser.

However, first check the browser settings for the user allows active x
components to be run. This is done via the browser, tools>internet
options>security then click on the relevant zone and customise button. Take a
look at the settings and check the user has permission to run active x

To re-install active x components, (I am using vista at the moment so you'll
have to improvise depending on which IE version you are using). You can do
this by going to your browser tools>internet options menu. Find the Add-ons
button which for me is under the programs tab. I can't remember the exact
name but of the add-ins but they are prefixed with pj something. Delete them
and then navigate to the project centre page in pwa. You should be prompted
to download the active x component again.

I don't have my 2003 VPC image handy so sorry if these instructions appear
vague. If something here requires further explanation, please let me know.
Good luck!

Piet Remen
Solutioin Specialist
Strategic Data Management

Weerayuth S.

Dear Piet,

Thank you very much for your kind suggestions.

I have already checked about active X setting in IE and also the user
I have tried delete the 2 files pj.....ocx and the components are reloaded.
However, these actons can not solve the problem.

Then, late yesterday, I found an article in the internet site.

I read through it 2-3 times and not so understand due to my lack of SQL DB
knowledge. Then I asked my SQL friend for help. She run some commands to fix
the negative values in the DB and the problem was solved.

I put the URL here for benefit of anyone who faced the same problem like mine.

If anyone faced the same problem and decided to use this solution; please be
careful and please note that I can not take any responsibility. I just want
to share that I use this solution and my problem was solved.

In my opinion; Piet's suggestions is good and quite safe to try first.
If the problem is still not solved, then you can decide to take risk with
the suggestion in the URL.

Thank you very much Piet!


Weerayuth S.

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