Subwebs Structure & Preparing My Site for Downloadable Files


John Phelan

Confirmation Pages

I will have a public access site with the only restriction being that
visitors must register themselves to get access to certain downloadable

I created a form that is located in the root Web site that provides a
description of new beta software. If people are interested, they are asked
to fill out a registration form;

Once the form is filled out, the registrant clicks a “Submit†button on the
form with fields that are linked to a back-end Access database located on the
web site. Once the information is submitted successfully (I assume), a
“confirmation.asp†feedback form is triggered announcing the completion of
the registration process. The confirmation form includes a button the hat
permits the newly registered user to continue to down load the software.

Questions -

If I must locate the Registration form in the root Web site of the server
that host a restricted subweb, or the directory, containing download files;
and since a registration form can’t reside within the root Web site to which
it provides public access:

Is it a good strategy to located the, “registration.mdbâ€, “registration.aspâ€
form, “conformation.asp†form and software in the same registration subweb;
or should the software have its own download subweb directory below the
registration subweb directory?

How do I retrieve the information from the, “registration.mdb†located on my
web site?

Finally, why do I need a restricted subweb if all that I am doing is storing
software; why not a subfolder or directory? Wouldn’t the restricted
registration subweb be sufficient? Can you create a subweb without anything
being in it right away? Is the only difference between a subweb and a
directory (folder) is that subweb are restricted?


Thomas A. Rowe

Subwebs are completely independent web under a FP root web or subweb, you can not cross with forms
and the database component, shared borders, FP Include Page or Themes, etc.

One option is to place all downloadable software in password protected format, then when the user
signs up, send them a link to the download with the password, etc.

To access the data in your database, you would need to be data access pages.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

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