Switch identities




I had to reinstall microsoft office again, which I did. In
users/name/documents/micosoft user data/office 2004 identities, I
transferred from external hard drive my main identity. I've stored it

But when I go to entourage either it said 'this version won't let you
open this identity,' or it opens and then when i try to switch, there
is nothing there - even though the database under the main identity in
the above place is 1.5gb.

Can someone advise what I'm doing wrong?

Thanks very much


Michel Bintener

When you re-installed Office, you forgot to apply all the necessary updates.
Either use Microsoft AutoUpdate in your Applications folder or go to
http://www.microsoft.com/mac to download the updates manually. After
applying the updates, you should be able to access your old database again.


I had to reinstall microsoft office again, which I did. In
users/name/documents/micosoft user data/office 2004 identities, I
transferred from external hard drive my main identity. I've stored it

But when I go to entourage either it said 'this version won't let you
open this identity,' or it opens and then when i try to switch, there
is nothing there - even though the database under the main identity in
the above place is 1.5gb.

Can someone advise what I'm doing wrong?

Thanks very much


Michel Bintener
Microsoft MVP
Office:Mac (Entourage & Word)

***Always reply to the newsgroup.***


Thanks very much - success!

Michel said:
When you re-installed Office, you forgot to apply all the necessary updates.
Either use Microsoft AutoUpdate in your Applications folder or go to
http://www.microsoft.com/mac to download the updates manually. After
applying the updates, you should be able to access your old database again.

Michel Bintener
Microsoft MVP
Office:Mac (Entourage & Word)

***Always reply to the newsgroup.***



I encountered the same issue, but wasn't to patient. I've deleted
everything I could find on my harddrive that had a link with office...
succesfull installation afterwards, even entourage working fine, but I
cannot recover my old e-mails.
they are still on the drive on
identity/messages/OT/OB/OM/0K and 1K . messages are there under the
form of 1476.vRgeMessage but I can only read them with text editor. Is
there a possibility to upload these bastards back in entourage?

thx a lot


Michel Bintener

Hi Lorenz,

as far as I know, the messages in the Metadata folder are not actual e-mail
messages, but only pointers to the real e-mail messages in the database. The
Metadata folder was created with the 11.2.3 update and is required by
Spotlight to search the Entourage database. Spotlight can only index
individual files, but no monolithic databases, so the Microsoft team decided
to create a folder that mirrors all the messages received in the main
database for Spotlight to index them. Nevertheless, they should ‹ in a way ‹
be duplicates of the messages you had in your database, so make a copy of
the Entourage folder (in the Metadata folder) and use Automator (or any
other batch renaming tool) to change the extension of these message files
from .vRgeMessage to .eml. Then try selecting them and drag them into the
Entourage mail window. If you need any help with this, post back, and let us
know what version of Mac OS X you are currently using.

I cannot guarantee that this is going to work; I've never had to do this, so
everything I've written up to this point is only theoretical. One more
thing: since you've already deleted Office from your hard drive, make sure
you have done this properly. For this, you will need to use the Remove
Office tool (Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Additional Tools/Remove
Office). Though everything might be working now, you are likely to run into
some problems in the future if you don't remove it properly and perform a
fresh re-install. If you've removed Office this way already, ignore this

Let me know if the method I suggested works. Good luck!


I encountered the same issue, but wasn't to patient. I've deleted
everything I could find on my harddrive that had a link with office...
succesfull installation afterwards, even entourage working fine, but I
cannot recover my old e-mails.
they are still on the drive on
identity/messages/OT/OB/OM/0K and 1K . messages are there under the
form of 1476.vRgeMessage but I can only read them with text editor. Is
there a possibility to upload these bastards back in entourage?

thx a lot


Michel Bintener
Microsoft MVP
Office:Mac (Entourage & Word)

***Always reply to the newsgroup.***


hi michel,

Worked great... thx a lot. I was really getting worried...




Michel said:
make a copy of
the Entourage folder (in the Metadata folder) and use Automator (or any
other batch renaming tool) to change the extension of these message files
from .vRgeMessage to .eml. Then try selecting them and drag them into the
Entourage mail window. If you need any help with this, post back, and let us
know what version of Mac OS X you are currently using.

Hi Michel. I had the same problem -- Entourage inexplicably stopped
working, and though I removed the old Office, re-installed, and
re-updated, I've now got thousands of email files in the form of

Changing the extension to .eml works... sort of. The problem is that
the emails are all stripped of any metadata -- i.e., who sent it, a
subject line, etc. Since I've got so many of these, I'm hoping against
hope that there's a better way for me to retreive my old emails from
the system. (Please, please, please let there be a better way for me to
retreive my old emails in the system!)

Also -- and I know this is pushing my luck -- is there a way to revive
my old
* address book?
* calendar?
* and mailbox structure?

Thanks in advance for any help.

Dan Reines
Los Angeles, California

Michel Bintener

Hi Michel. I had the same problem -- Entourage inexplicably stopped
working, and though I removed the old Office, re-installed, and
re-updated, I've now got thousands of email files in the form of

Changing the extension to .eml works... sort of. The problem is that
the emails are all stripped of any metadata -- i.e., who sent it, a
subject line, etc. Since I've got so many of these, I'm hoping against
hope that there's a better way for me to retreive my old emails from
the system. (Please, please, please let there be a better way for me to
retreive my old emails in the system!)

Also -- and I know this is pushing my luck -- is there a way to revive
my old
* address book?
* calendar?
* and mailbox structure?

Thanks in advance for any help.

Dan Reines
Los Angeles, California

Hi Dan,

unless you happen to have a copy of your old Microsoft User Data folder, the
outlook isn't good at all. As I've said in my previous post, the message
pointers in the Metadata folder are not meant to be used as a backup; their
only purpose is to allow Entourage data to be indexed by Spotlight. The real
Entourage data is stored in the database file in the MUD folder, which,
apart from the e-mail messages, also contains your address book data, your
calendar entries and so on. Your only chance of retrieving this data is by
trying to find your old database file, which you might have backed up at
some point. If you do find a backup and you're unsure how to proceed, just
post back, and we'll assist you.

Good luck finding your old MUD folder!

Michel Bintener
Microsoft MVP
Office:Mac (Entourage & Word)

***Always reply to the newsgroup.***

Barry Wainwright [MVP]

Changing the extension to .eml works... sort of. The problem is that
the emails are all stripped of any metadata -- i.e., who sent it, a
subject line, etc. Since I've got so many of these, I'm hoping against
hope that there's a better way for me to retreive my old emails from
the system. (Please, please, please let there be a better way for me to
retreive my old emails in the system!)

This script will recover a plain text version of the emails. Copy the script
into a new 'Script Editor' window and hit the run button (and wait a long
time, if you have a lot of mail!)

Note that the script requires the use of the scripting addition "Property
List Tools" (freeware from from LateNight Software) at
<http://www.latenightsw.com/freeware/PListTools/index.html>. Just put that
OSAX into your /Library/ScriptingAdditions folder before you start up Script

If this works OK, I¹ll look at doing a similar one for contacts...

========== Start Script ===========

-- Recover Emails from Spotlight Cache v1.0
-- a script for Microsoft Entourage (c) by Barry Wainwright
-- this script requires the installation of the scripting addition
"Property List Tools"
-- (freeware from from LateNight Software) at
-- http://www.latenightsw.com/freeware/PListTools/index.html

--This script will recover the body of emails that have been lost from
--entourage, but whose metadata is still in the Spotlight Cache.

--The script will take a _long_ time to run!

--Although it cannot recover the folder structure of the original data,
--it can identify the original folder names. Therefore, it will recover
--emails into folders whose name will be compiled from a combination of
--the original name and Entourage's folder ID (to account for any duplicate
--folder names in the original data)

-- Note that attachments and HTML are not saved in the metadata and so
cannot be recovered.

global recoveryFolder
tell application "Microsoft Entourage"
set recoveryFolder to folder "Recovered Emails"
on error errMsg number errNum
set recoveryFolder to (make new folder with properties
{name:"Recovered Emails"})
end try
set identityName to name of current identity
end tell

set cacheFolder to ((get path to home folder) as text) &
"Library:Caches:Metadata:Microsoft:Entourage:2004:" & identityName &
tell application "Finder" to my processFolder(folder cacheFolder)

on processFolder(thisFolder)
tell application "Finder"
repeat with aFile in (get every file of thisFolder)
my recoverFile(aFile)
end repeat
repeat with newFolder in (get every folder of thisFolder)
my processFolder(newFolder)
end repeat
end tell
end processFolder

on recoverFile(theItemFile)
global recoveryFolder
set theItemData to read property list (theItemFile as alias)
tell application "Microsoft Entourage"
set folderName to ((|kMDItemCoverage| of theItemData) & " " &
(|com_microsoft_entourage_folderID| of theItemData)) as text
set targetFolder to folder folderName of recoveryFolder
on error errMsg number errNum
set targetFolder to (make new folder at recoveryFolder with
properties {name:folderName})
end try
set recipList to {}
repeat with aRecip from 1 to count |kMDItemRecipientEmailAddresses|
of theItemData
copy (item aRecip of |kMDItemRecipients| of theItemData & " <" &
item aRecip of |kMDItemRecipientEmailAddresses| of theItemData & ">") to end
of recipList
end repeat
make new incoming message at targetFolder with properties {time
sent:|com_microsoft_entourage_messageSent| of theItemData, sender:{display
name:item 1 of |kMDItemAuthors| of theItemData, address:item 1 of
|kMDItemAuthorEmailAddresses| of theItemData}, content:|kMDItemTextContent|
of theItemData, subject:|kMDItemTitle| of theItemData, recipient:recipList}
end tell
end recoverFile

========== End Script ===========


The real
Entourage data is stored in the database file in the MUD folder, which,
apart from the e-mail messages, also contains your address book data, your
calendar entries and so on. Your only chance of retrieving this data is by
trying to find your old database file, which you might have backed up at
some point. If you do find a backup and you're unsure how to proceed, just
post back, and we'll assist you.

I think I do have the MUD folder, actually -- that is, I know I've got
it, and I think it's a version from before I reloaded Office.

What do I do with it? How do I turn it into my old mail?


This script will recover a plain text version of the emails. Copy the script
into a new 'Script Editor' window and hit the run button (and wait a long
time, if you have a lot of mail!)

Note that the script requires the use of the scripting addition "Property
List Tools" (freeware from from LateNight Software) at
<http://www.latenightsw.com/freeware/PListTools/index.html>. Just put that
OSAX into your /Library/ScriptingAdditions folder before you start up Script

If this works OK, I¹ll look at doing a similar one for contacts...


First, thanks for this script. A lot.

Second, I need to ask for a little help with it. I'm somewhat
tech-competent, but by no means am I tech-savvy. For instance, I don't
seem to have a "ScriptingAdditions" folder in my LIbrary file. Should

Also, I've never run a script editor -- what do I do with this?

Thanks, and sorry to be a bother...



Michel, Barry, thanks for your help. I just found my backed-up MUD and
figured out how to drop it back into my re-installed Office. All is

Thanks to both of you for your help.

Michel Bintener

I think I do have the MUD folder, actually -- that is, I know I've got
it, and I think it's a version from before I reloaded Office.

What do I do with it? How do I turn it into my old mail?

That's good news. Before we get started, one small question though: have you
used Entourage in the meantime, or have you left it untouched ever since you
made that last backup copy of the MUD folder? Also, make sure that before
you start this procedure, your copy of Office is up-to-date via the
Microsoft AutoUpdate tool in your Applications folder.

If you have not used Entourage ever since, i.e. if you don't have new
e-mails or other Entourage items you would like to keep, you can simply
select the four components in your old MUD folder (Database, Mailing Lists,
Rules, Signatures) and drag them into your new identity folder
(~/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Office 2004 Identities/<your user name>)
*after* quitting Entourage. If you now relaunch Entourage, you should be
able to access your old database again.

If you have used Entourage under a new identity, i.e. if you have received
new e-mail messages and created other items since you removed the old
identity, you will need to create a new identity (Entourage>Switch
Identity). Now quit Entourage and copy your old identity files, as described
above, into your *new, temporary* identity folder. Launch Entourage under
that identity, then see if your data is there. Export it as an archive via
Entourage's Export tool, switch over to your new identity, then import the
Entourage archive again.

Note that I did not go into every detail during that last paragraph since I
didn't know if it was necessary or not. If anything's unclear or not working
as advertised, post back!

Michel Bintener
Microsoft MVP
Office:Mac (Entourage & Word)

***Always reply to the newsgroup.***

Barry Wainwright [MVP]

Michel, Barry, thanks for your help. I just found my backed-up MUD and
figured out how to drop it back into my re-installed Office. All is

Thanks to both of you for your help.

Glad you got it sorted :)

Michel Bintener

Michel, Barry, thanks for your help. I just found my backed-up MUD and
figured out how to drop it back into my re-installed Office. All is

Thanks to both of you for your help.

You're welcome. And don't forget what all this has taught you: always, and I
repeat, always, make backups, especially of the MUD folder! ;-)

Michel Bintener
Microsoft MVP
Office:Mac (Entourage & Word)

***Always reply to the newsgroup.***


Michel said:
You're welcome. And don't forget what all this has taught you: always, and I
repeat, always, make backups, especially of the MUD folder! ;-)

Absolutely. Funny thing is, the collapse of Entourage seems to have
happened DURING a backup. I don't know what went wrong, but when the
backup was done, Entourage was done too!

Oh well -- all's well that, whatever...

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