Template Displayed on Screen Differs From what Prints on Paper



Word 2007
Vista Home Premium x64 64 bit

Word Template has teh following characteristics

It is letterhead
created a logo in a text box to control positioning precisely
created a section break continuous and typed in text of address
in next section added standard body elements.

Looks perfect on screen.

When printing the first character of the logo in the text box is cut off.
I have tried every layout manipulation I can think of but it still is not
giving me WYSIWYG printing.

I previously did this exact operation successfully in Word XP. I thought it
might be a conversion issue, so I recreated a new template in Word 2007 from
scratch, and the problem remains the same.

Any insights would be much appreciated.


Suzanne S. Barnhill

Well, first of all, you don't need the section break; see
http://sbarnhill.mvps.org/WordFAQs/Letterhead.htm for the correct procedure.
And in the second place, you don't need the text box; if you apply the
appropriate wrapping to your logo, you have exactly the same placement
options as a text box.

But the reason it isn't printing as you want probably has to do with the
printer's unprintable area. Are you seeing it cut off in Print Preview? If
so, then that's the issue. Most printers have a finite, irreducible
unprintable area required for the mechanics of paper handling.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA


Thank you for your reply. I will review the material at the link.

A workaround that I have been using is to save the document as a PDF, then
print the PDF. That works. Therefore, the failure of WYSIWYG in Word 2007
is not related to the printable area available to the printer hardware.

Graham Mayor

Nash_deVille said:
A workaround that I have been using is to save the document as a PDF,
then print the PDF. That works. Therefore, the failure of WYSIWYG
in Word 2007 is not related to the printable area available to the
printer hardware.

Not necessarily. The printer driver is an essential formatting component of
Word documents and Word will only do what the driver will allow. Other
applications often address the printer directly.

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>


Hi Suzanne,

Thanks for your help with my questions - I really appreciate it a lot.

I tested the print preview as you suggested, and the document print previews
perfectly, but the problem of the text in the text box cutting off about half
of the first letter remains.

I tried moving the text box to the center of the page, where the body of the
letter would usually go, and it does not cut off there. It prints the way it
looks on the screen.

I hope to have a few minutes to try some of the different techniques you
describe for setting up a letterhead template so I can reach a real
resolution instead of relying on my workaround of save as PDF, print PDF.

Any other thoughts on how to solve this problem would be welcomed.



Suzanne S. Barnhill

I really do think what you're running into is the printer's unprintable
area. If you are going to print to a desktop printer, this is just something
you will have to work around. You can print to a PDF and get the whole
thing, but when you print the PDF, Acrobat is just going to scale it to get
it all on the page within the printer's capabilities.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA


I understand the concept of grip space, and usable area on a page of paper in
the printer. For the following reasons, I think it is rational to rule that
out as the culprit. The part that's cutting off is in the center of the page
about 3/4" to 1" down from the top edge of the paper. There is other
printing that is working properly immediately adjacent to the problem spot,
1/2" from the top edge of the paper, and across to 1/4" from the right edge
which is all printing fine, just as expected. The PDF printing settings are
set to "do not reduce" "do not scale to fit" and prints correctly. When the
correctly printed PDF and the badly printed word document are stacked and
held to the light, the position is identical except for the unprinted text on
the word document. So far, it's a real puzzler.


I've been using the same computer, the same network gear, and the same
printer, and the same templates, all on Windows XP, Windows Vista 32, Windows
Vista 64, with older print drivers, then the drivers that are installed now,
all in various combinations that have worked fine to print this exact

The sole change that took place from the time the document template last
printed correctly to the time that this problem occurred was an upgrade from
Office XP Pro to Office 2007 Pro. I have NOT tested a rollback to the old

I thought maybe it was a compatibility problem from the old template to the
new version of Word 2007, but the problem repeats even when starting with a
new document in Word 2007 and hand typing all the elements from scratch.

Thanks again for sticking with this puzzle. I am continually amazed by the
generosity of the MVP community. Your hard work is deeply appreciated by
this forum member.



Suzanne S. Barnhill

I'd be interested to see the document in question if you want to send it to
my email.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA


I have emailed it to the email address through the Contact Us page of your
website in your signature block.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Alas, that is not my email address. You can see mine in my profile, which I
think you access by clicking on my name in any of my posts (I don't use the
Communities portal, so I'm a little vague on that). Best, however, to send
it to ssbarnhill at gmail dot com.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Never mind. Our Webmaster forwarded your document to me. It looks fine to
me, even in Print Preview, but I will work with it and return it to you.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA

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