Tick Box



Is it possible to have a form that has several tick boxes (y/n)

If boxes are checked then on the press of one button the relevant boxes
would then run quiries

Could this be done without writing code

John W. Vinson

Is it possible to have a form that has several tick boxes (y/n)

If boxes are checked then on the press of one button the relevant boxes
would then run quiries

Could this be done without writing code
You could use Macros in the AfterUpdate event of the tickbox.

Do note that it's usually not good design to open a Select query as a
datasheet. Datasheets are of very limited use; you're much better off opening
a Form (for onscreen display) or Report (for printing), based on the query,
rather than opening the query itself.

Perhaps you could explain some of the context - what's the purpose of the
database, what are the queries, etc.

John W. Vinson [MVP]
Microsoft's replacements for these newsgroups:
and see also http://www.utteraccess.com

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