Time and Billing Template



I opened the Time and Billng template that came with Access 2003. It is a
2000 template so I thought that it might be a good idea to convert it which I
did using Tools/Database Utilities/Convert Database. Everything seems to
work just fine with the exception of the invoice and the projects screens
which are not listing the totals correctly. (Interestingly this seems to be
the same problem that Eric Zelman encountered in September. However, I can't
see that he managed to find an answer to the problem.)

I thought the problem might have to do with the conversion but I opened the
template again and tried the same data without converting it only to find the
same errors. So, it seems to me that the errors are resident in the
template. Has anyone used this template and overcome the bugs?

Here are the error messages that I am getting in the fields:

Total Hours: #NAME?
Hourly Billings: #NAME?
Total Expenses: #NAME?
Total Billing: #ERROR
Amount Due: #ERROR

Many thanks!

- s

Tom Wickerath

Hello SJS,

Have you checked for any references marked as MISSING, as I indicated to Mr. Zellman? He did not
provide any follow-up (at least that I can see) after indicating "The 2003 machine is at home.
I'll check tonight." The question that he was responding to here was "Have you verified that you
do not have any references marked as MISSING?" I suspect that he did find the missing
references, corrected them, and just didn't post back.

Try the following two articles, if you do not know how to check for missing references or need to
understand more about the problems associated with missing references:

Solving Problems with Library References (Allen Browne)


Access Reference Problems (Doug Steele)

I'm going to go out on a limb here and make a guess that Access 2003 may not come with Microsoft
Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3. I cannot test this, since I have yet to upgrade
to this version (currently using Access 2002). In any case, you should be able to deselect this
reference and the reference to OLE Automation. I do not believe these references are required.


I opened the Time and Billng template that came with Access 2003. It is a
2000 template so I thought that it might be a good idea to convert it which I
did using Tools/Database Utilities/Convert Database. Everything seems to
work just fine with the exception of the invoice and the projects screens
which are not listing the totals correctly. (Interestingly this seems to be
the same problem that Eric Zelman encountered in September. However, I can't
see that he managed to find an answer to the problem.)

I thought the problem might have to do with the conversion but I opened the
template again and tried the same data without converting it only to find the
same errors. So, it seems to me that the errors are resident in the
template. Has anyone used this template and overcome the bugs?

Here are the error messages that I am getting in the fields:

Total Hours: #NAME?
Hourly Billings: #NAME?
Total Expenses: #NAME?
Total Billing: #ERROR
Amount Due: #ERROR

Many thanks!

- s


Thanks Tom. I think I did that correctly. I went under the tools menu and
checked the references. The following were checked: Visual Basic for
applications, Microsoft Access 11.0 Object Library, Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object
Library and OLE Automation. None were listed as Missing. I tried turing
each off and then trying the application again with no avail. (Visual Basic
and Microsoft Access 11.0 Object Library could not be turned off, the other
two could, but did not change my errors.)

Is it possible that there is a relationship which is not correct? The
forumla for one of the fields in which I am receiving errors reads as
follows: =IIf([Projects

Any further suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

- s

Tom Wickerath

Please send me a zipped copy of your database. I have Access 2002, but not the latest version.
I'll try to see if I can duplicate the problem. These kinds of problems can be much easier to fix
if you have the actual database available.

From your earlier post:
Everything seems to work just fine with the exception
of the invoice and the projects screens which are not
listing the totals correctly.

Let me know exactly which form(s), by object name, are showing these errors.

The fact that you could not deselect the first two references is not surprising. The Visual Basic
for Applications and Microsoft Access x.x Object Library is required of all Access databases.
Usually, the OLE Automation library is not required. The last reference, Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object
Library is required anytime you use DAO code.

My e-mail address is pretty easy to figure out. Whatever you do, please do not post your real
e-mail address to the newsgroup.


Thanks Tom. I think I did that correctly. I went under the tools menu and
checked the references. The following were checked: Visual Basic for
applications, Microsoft Access 11.0 Object Library, Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object
Library and OLE Automation. None were listed as Missing. I tried turing
each off and then trying the application again with no avail. (Visual Basic
and Microsoft Access 11.0 Object Library could not be turned off, the other
two could, but did not change my errors.)

Is it possible that there is a relationship which is not correct? The
forumla for one of the fields in which I am receiving errors reads as
follows: =IIf([Projects

Any further suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

- s

Hello SJS,

Have you checked for any references marked as MISSING, as I indicated to Mr. Zellman? He did not
provide any follow-up (at least that I can see) after indicating "The 2003 machine is at home.
I'll check tonight." The question that he was responding to here was "Have you verified that you
do not have any references marked as MISSING?" I suspect that he did find the missing
references, corrected them, and just didn't post back.

Try the following two articles, if you do not know how to check for missing references or need to
understand more about the problems associated with missing references:

Solving Problems with Library References (Allen Browne)


Access Reference Problems (Doug Steele)

I'm going to go out on a limb here and make a guess that Access 2003 may not come with Microsoft
Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3. I cannot test this, since I have yet to upgrade
to this version (currently using Access 2002). In any case, you should be able to deselect this
reference and the reference to OLE Automation. I do not believe these references are required.


I opened the Time and Billing template that came with Access 2003. It is a
2000 template so I thought that it might be a good idea to convert it which I
did using Tools/Database Utilities/Convert Database. Everything seems to
work just fine with the exception of the invoice and the projects screens
which are not listing the totals correctly. (Interestingly this seems to be
the same problem that Eric Zelman encountered in September. However, I can't
see that he managed to find an answer to the problem.)

I thought the problem might have to do with the conversion but I opened the
template again and tried the same data without converting it only to find the
same errors. So, it seems to me that the errors are resident in the
template. Has anyone used this template and overcome the bugs?

Here are the error messages that I am getting in the fields:

Total Hours: #NAME?
Hourly Billings: #NAME?
Total Expenses: #NAME?
Total Billing: #ERROR
Amount Due: #ERROR

Many thanks!

- s

Tom Wickerath

I just thought of something. You indicated that this database includes a reference set to the
Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library. You might verify that this library is properly registered on
your PC. To do this, follow the steps in Method 1 of the following KB article:


Although this article indicates Access 2000 in the title, it should apply equally well to Access
If Method 1 does not work, try Method 2.


Please send me a zipped copy of your database. I have Access 2002, but not the latest version.
I'll try to see if I can duplicate the problem. These kinds of problems can be much easier to fix
if you have the actual database available.

From your earlier post:
Everything seems to work just fine with the exception
of the invoice and the projects screens which are not
listing the totals correctly.

Let me know exactly which form(s), by object name, are showing these errors.

The fact that you could not deselect the first two references is not surprising. The Visual Basic
for Applications and Microsoft Access x.x Object Library is required of all Access databases.
Usually, the OLE Automation library is not required. The last reference, Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object
Library is required anytime you use DAO code.

My e-mail address is pretty easy to figure out. Whatever you do, please do not post your real
e-mail address to the newsgroup.


Thanks Tom. I think I did that correctly. I went under the tools menu and
checked the references. The following were checked: Visual Basic for
applications, Microsoft Access 11.0 Object Library, Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object
Library and OLE Automation. None were listed as Missing. I tried turing
each off and then trying the application again with no avail. (Visual Basic
and Microsoft Access 11.0 Object Library could not be turned off, the other
two could, but did not change my errors.)

Is it possible that there is a relationship which is not correct? The
forumla for one of the fields in which I am receiving errors reads as
follows: =IIf([Projects

Any further suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

- s

Hello SJS,

Have you checked for any references marked as MISSING, as I indicated to Mr. Zellman? He did not
provide any follow-up (at least that I can see) after indicating "The 2003 machine is at home.
I'll check tonight." The question that he was responding to here was "Have you verified that you
do not have any references marked as MISSING?" I suspect that he did find the missing
references, corrected them, and just didn't post back.

Try the following two articles, if you do not know how to check for missing references or need to
understand more about the problems associated with missing references:

Solving Problems with Library References (Allen Browne)


Access Reference Problems (Doug Steele)

I'm going to go out on a limb here and make a guess that Access 2003 may not come with Microsoft
Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3. I cannot test this, since I have yet to upgrade
to this version (currently using Access 2002). In any case, you should be able to deselect this
reference and the reference to OLE Automation. I do not believe these references are required.


I opened the Time and Billing template that came with Access 2003. It is a
2000 template so I thought that it might be a good idea to convert it which I
did using Tools/Database Utilities/Convert Database. Everything seems to
work just fine with the exception of the invoice and the projects screens
which are not listing the totals correctly. (Interestingly this seems to be
the same problem that Eric Zelman encountered in September. However, I can't
see that he managed to find an answer to the problem.)

I thought the problem might have to do with the conversion but I opened the
template again and tried the same data without converting it only to find the
same errors. So, it seems to me that the errors are resident in the
template. Has anyone used this template and overcome the bugs?

Here are the error messages that I am getting in the fields:

Total Hours: #NAME?
Hourly Billings: #NAME?
Total Expenses: #NAME?
Total Billing: #ERROR
Amount Due: #ERROR

Many thanks!

- s


Eureka! Thanks to Tom Wickerath, there is a solution! Tom asked me to
correspond with him directly and then spent a great deal of time exchanging
emails and working with me in order to propose a number of different
experiments. His instructions were very specific and easy to follow for a
“newby†and always included screen shots, so that I knew exactly what to look
for. And when I was getting discouraged and giving up Tom kept pursuing
different options until the problem was solved.
As it turned out the solution had nothing to do with registry issues, which
was everyone’s original assumption. Rather it had to do with Macro security
and that there is an effective work about using Sandbox mode.

Thanks Tom!

Tom Wickerath said:
I just thought of something. You indicated that this database includes a reference set to the
Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library. You might verify that this library is properly registered on
your PC. To do this, follow the steps in Method 1 of the following KB article:


Although this article indicates Access 2000 in the title, it should apply equally well to Access
If Method 1 does not work, try Method 2.


Please send me a zipped copy of your database. I have Access 2002, but not the latest version.
I'll try to see if I can duplicate the problem. These kinds of problems can be much easier to fix
if you have the actual database available.

From your earlier post:
Everything seems to work just fine with the exception
of the invoice and the projects screens which are not
listing the totals correctly.

Let me know exactly which form(s), by object name, are showing these errors.

The fact that you could not deselect the first two references is not surprising. The Visual Basic
for Applications and Microsoft Access x.x Object Library is required of all Access databases.
Usually, the OLE Automation library is not required. The last reference, Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object
Library is required anytime you use DAO code.

My e-mail address is pretty easy to figure out. Whatever you do, please do not post your real
e-mail address to the newsgroup.


Thanks Tom. I think I did that correctly. I went under the tools menu and
checked the references. The following were checked: Visual Basic for
applications, Microsoft Access 11.0 Object Library, Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object
Library and OLE Automation. None were listed as Missing. I tried turing
each off and then trying the application again with no avail. (Visual Basic
and Microsoft Access 11.0 Object Library could not be turned off, the other
two could, but did not change my errors.)

Is it possible that there is a relationship which is not correct? The
forumla for one of the fields in which I am receiving errors reads as
follows: =IIf([Projects

Any further suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

- s

Hello SJS,

Have you checked for any references marked as MISSING, as I indicated to Mr. Zellman? He did not
provide any follow-up (at least that I can see) after indicating "The 2003 machine is at home.
I'll check tonight." The question that he was responding to here was "Have you verified that you
do not have any references marked as MISSING?" I suspect that he did find the missing
references, corrected them, and just didn't post back.

Try the following two articles, if you do not know how to check for missing references or need to
understand more about the problems associated with missing references:

Solving Problems with Library References (Allen Browne)


Access Reference Problems (Doug Steele)

I'm going to go out on a limb here and make a guess that Access 2003 may not come with Microsoft
Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3. I cannot test this, since I have yet to upgrade
to this version (currently using Access 2002). In any case, you should be able to deselect this
reference and the reference to OLE Automation. I do not believe these references are required.


I opened the Time and Billing template that came with Access 2003. It is a
2000 template so I thought that it might be a good idea to convert it which I
did using Tools/Database Utilities/Convert Database. Everything seems to
work just fine with the exception of the invoice and the projects screens
which are not listing the totals correctly. (Interestingly this seems to be
the same problem that Eric Zelman encountered in September. However, I can't
see that he managed to find an answer to the problem.)

I thought the problem might have to do with the conversion but I opened the
template again and tried the same data without converting it only to find the
same errors. So, it seems to me that the errors are resident in the
template. Has anyone used this template and overcome the bugs?

Here are the error messages that I am getting in the fields:

Total Hours: #NAME?
Hourly Billings: #NAME?
Total Expenses: #NAME?
Total Billing: #ERROR
Amount Due: #ERROR

Many thanks!

- s

Brent Wilson

What was the workaround? I keep finding information about setting macros
security using the sandbox mode, and that some functions do not work.
Microsoft's only published solution (that I can find) is to avoid using the
function that does not work. I need some help on this.

Thank you,

SJS said:
Eureka! Thanks to Tom Wickerath, there is a solution! Tom asked me to
correspond with him directly and then spent a great deal of time exchanging
emails and working with me in order to propose a number of different
experiments. His instructions were very specific and easy to follow for a
“newby†and always included screen shots, so that I knew exactly what to look
for. And when I was getting discouraged and giving up Tom kept pursuing
different options until the problem was solved.
As it turned out the solution had nothing to do with registry issues, which
was everyone’s original assumption. Rather it had to do with Macro security
and that there is an effective work about using Sandbox mode.

Thanks Tom!

Tom Wickerath said:
I just thought of something. You indicated that this database includes a reference set to the
Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library. You might verify that this library is properly registered on
your PC. To do this, follow the steps in Method 1 of the following KB article:


Although this article indicates Access 2000 in the title, it should apply equally well to Access
If Method 1 does not work, try Method 2.


Please send me a zipped copy of your database. I have Access 2002, but not the latest version.
I'll try to see if I can duplicate the problem. These kinds of problems can be much easier to fix
if you have the actual database available.

From your earlier post:
Everything seems to work just fine with the exception
of the invoice and the projects screens which are not
listing the totals correctly.

Let me know exactly which form(s), by object name, are showing these errors.

The fact that you could not deselect the first two references is not surprising. The Visual Basic
for Applications and Microsoft Access x.x Object Library is required of all Access databases.
Usually, the OLE Automation library is not required. The last reference, Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object
Library is required anytime you use DAO code.

My e-mail address is pretty easy to figure out. Whatever you do, please do not post your real
e-mail address to the newsgroup.


Thanks Tom. I think I did that correctly. I went under the tools menu and
checked the references. The following were checked: Visual Basic for
applications, Microsoft Access 11.0 Object Library, Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object
Library and OLE Automation. None were listed as Missing. I tried turing
each off and then trying the application again with no avail. (Visual Basic
and Microsoft Access 11.0 Object Library could not be turned off, the other
two could, but did not change my errors.)

Is it possible that there is a relationship which is not correct? The
forumla for one of the fields in which I am receiving errors reads as
follows: =IIf([Projects

Any further suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

- s

Hello SJS,

Have you checked for any references marked as MISSING, as I indicated to Mr. Zellman? He did not
provide any follow-up (at least that I can see) after indicating "The 2003 machine is at home.
I'll check tonight." The question that he was responding to here was "Have you verified that you
do not have any references marked as MISSING?" I suspect that he did find the missing
references, corrected them, and just didn't post back.

Try the following two articles, if you do not know how to check for missing references or need to
understand more about the problems associated with missing references:

Solving Problems with Library References (Allen Browne)


Access Reference Problems (Doug Steele)

I'm going to go out on a limb here and make a guess that Access 2003 may not come with Microsoft
Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3. I cannot test this, since I have yet to upgrade
to this version (currently using Access 2002). In any case, you should be able to deselect this
reference and the reference to OLE Automation. I do not believe these references are required.


I opened the Time and Billing template that came with Access 2003. It is a
2000 template so I thought that it might be a good idea to convert it which I
did using Tools/Database Utilities/Convert Database. Everything seems to
work just fine with the exception of the invoice and the projects screens
which are not listing the totals correctly. (Interestingly this seems to be
the same problem that Eric Zelman encountered in September. However, I can't
see that he managed to find an answer to the problem.)

I thought the problem might have to do with the conversion but I opened the
template again and tried the same data without converting it only to find the
same errors. So, it seems to me that the errors are resident in the
template. Has anyone used this template and overcome the bugs?

Here are the error messages that I am getting in the fields:

Total Hours: #NAME?
Hourly Billings: #NAME?
Total Expenses: #NAME?
Total Billing: #ERROR
Amount Due: #ERROR

Many thanks!

- s


Brent, copied below is a message which Tom Wickerath forwarded to me. It is
from Tim Getsch, who is the lead Program Manager on the Access Dev. Team.
Hope it helps!


This is a known issue with the Time and Billing app. It uses an
expression that gets blocked. We are looking into a fix for the
template, but you can fix it up manually so that it works under sandbox

One of the easiest workarounds is to create a User Defined Function that
calls RecordCount for you. You can put this in a module.

Function RecordCount(frm As Form) As Long
RecordCount = frm.RecordsetClone.RecordCount
End Function

Then change the three expressions on the Project form that refer to
RecordsetClone to call this function instead.

Broken Expression:
=IIf([Project Expenses
Subform].[Form].[RecordsetClone].[RecordCount]=0,0,[Project Expenses
Subform].[Form]![Total Expenses])

Fixed Expression:
=IIf(RecordCount([Project Expenses Subform].[Form])=0,0,[Project
Expenses Subform].[Form]![Total Expenses])

We had to block RecordsetClone because it lets you walk into an Object
Model that we didn't own and we couldn't ensure that it was safe. The
workaround that I mentioned above is safe.


Brent Wilson said:
What was the workaround? I keep finding information about setting macros
security using the sandbox mode, and that some functions do not work.
Microsoft's only published solution (that I can find) is to avoid using the
function that does not work. I need some help on this.

Thank you,

SJS said:
Eureka! Thanks to Tom Wickerath, there is a solution! Tom asked me to
correspond with him directly and then spent a great deal of time exchanging
emails and working with me in order to propose a number of different
experiments. His instructions were very specific and easy to follow for a
“newby†and always included screen shots, so that I knew exactly what to look
for. And when I was getting discouraged and giving up Tom kept pursuing
different options until the problem was solved.
As it turned out the solution had nothing to do with registry issues, which
was everyone’s original assumption. Rather it had to do with Macro security
and that there is an effective work about using Sandbox mode.

Thanks Tom!

Tom Wickerath said:
I just thought of something. You indicated that this database includes a reference set to the
Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library. You might verify that this library is properly registered on
your PC. To do this, follow the steps in Method 1 of the following KB article:


Although this article indicates Access 2000 in the title, it should apply equally well to Access
If Method 1 does not work, try Method 2.


Please send me a zipped copy of your database. I have Access 2002, but not the latest version.
I'll try to see if I can duplicate the problem. These kinds of problems can be much easier to fix
if you have the actual database available.

From your earlier post:
Everything seems to work just fine with the exception
of the invoice and the projects screens which are not
listing the totals correctly.

Let me know exactly which form(s), by object name, are showing these errors.

The fact that you could not deselect the first two references is not surprising. The Visual Basic
for Applications and Microsoft Access x.x Object Library is required of all Access databases.
Usually, the OLE Automation library is not required. The last reference, Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object
Library is required anytime you use DAO code.

My e-mail address is pretty easy to figure out. Whatever you do, please do not post your real
e-mail address to the newsgroup.


Thanks Tom. I think I did that correctly. I went under the tools menu and
checked the references. The following were checked: Visual Basic for
applications, Microsoft Access 11.0 Object Library, Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object
Library and OLE Automation. None were listed as Missing. I tried turing
each off and then trying the application again with no avail. (Visual Basic
and Microsoft Access 11.0 Object Library could not be turned off, the other
two could, but did not change my errors.)

Is it possible that there is a relationship which is not correct? The
forumla for one of the fields in which I am receiving errors reads as
follows: =IIf([Projects

Any further suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

- s

Hello SJS,

Have you checked for any references marked as MISSING, as I indicated to Mr. Zellman? He did not
provide any follow-up (at least that I can see) after indicating "The 2003 machine is at home.
I'll check tonight." The question that he was responding to here was "Have you verified that you
do not have any references marked as MISSING?" I suspect that he did find the missing
references, corrected them, and just didn't post back.

Try the following two articles, if you do not know how to check for missing references or need to
understand more about the problems associated with missing references:

Solving Problems with Library References (Allen Browne)


Access Reference Problems (Doug Steele)

I'm going to go out on a limb here and make a guess that Access 2003 may not come with Microsoft
Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3. I cannot test this, since I have yet to upgrade
to this version (currently using Access 2002). In any case, you should be able to deselect this
reference and the reference to OLE Automation. I do not believe these references are required.


I opened the Time and Billing template that came with Access 2003. It is a
2000 template so I thought that it might be a good idea to convert it which I
did using Tools/Database Utilities/Convert Database. Everything seems to
work just fine with the exception of the invoice and the projects screens
which are not listing the totals correctly. (Interestingly this seems to be
the same problem that Eric Zelman encountered in September. However, I can't
see that he managed to find an answer to the problem.)

I thought the problem might have to do with the conversion but I opened the
template again and tried the same data without converting it only to find the
same errors. So, it seems to me that the errors are resident in the
template. Has anyone used this template and overcome the bugs?

Here are the error messages that I am getting in the fields:

Total Hours: #NAME?
Hourly Billings: #NAME?
Total Expenses: #NAME?
Total Billing: #ERROR
Amount Due: #ERROR

Many thanks!

- s

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