Timesheet / Task Approval


David F-H

Project Server 2007 (SP1 & Aug Hotfixes) / SQL Server 2005

We want to use the timesheet approval feature of Project Server, and update
the tasks from the timesheet entry (via automatic import using JustOnce 3rd
party software, although the same problem exists with manual import). We have
done some preliminary testing but have come up against the following problem.
We want to be able to have the resources enter billable and non-billable
work on their timesheets, but have found there is no way for the project
managers to see this (ie. billable vs non-billable hours for a task) as this
information does not feed back to My Tasks / Project Plan. Similarly, we
have an enterprise custom field that we also want to add to the My Timesheet
view, but again any updates in the Timesheet view to the custom field do not
feed back to My Tasks / project plan.

Unfortunately, it is not a simple case of setting up a timesheet approval
chain, as our consultants may work for multiple PMs at different and
overlapping times (so no defined chain of approvers), and it is impractical
for our resource managers to handle this low level approval detail. I have
seen in old forum questions that there used to be an option (Project 2003?)
under "Collaboration" whereby a PM could synchronise between the two, but
this does not seem to be available under Project 2007 ?

Can anyone advise whether there is a way to achieve this ?

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