Toolbar, OWC Charts and XMLData


Claude Vernier


I have some problems using the OWCs in my C# Web

On my aspx page, I have three <OBJECT> tags:


<div id="divOWCLicence" style="DISPLAY:
<OBJECT classid="clsid:5220cb21-
c88d-11cf-b347-00aa00a28331" VIEWASTEXT>
<PARAM name="LPKPath"
<div id="divOWCPivotTable"
style="DISPLAY: inline">
<OBJECT id="OWCPivotTable"
style="WIDTH: 502px; HEIGHT: 204px" height="204"
width="502" classid="clsid:0002E552-0000-0000-C000-
000000000046" name="OWCPivotTable" VIEWASTEXT>
<div id="divOWCPivotChart"
style="DISPLAY: inline">
<OBJECT id="OWCPivotChart"
VALUE='<xml ... > ... <x:Name>OWCPivotTable</x:Name> ...
NAME="ScreenUpdating" VALUE="-1">
NAME="EnableEvents" VALUE="-1">


I want the last DIV to appear/disappear clicking on a
button from the toolbar in the pivot table... This
already works, I added a new button and I wanted it stay
pressed when the Chart is visible, a bit like the Auto-
Filter button... I've put its style to 1 and change its
property Value to 0 or 1 but nothing happens...

I needed my chart linked to the pivot table, as you can
see, its the case since in the XMLData of the chart,
there is the name of the pivot table. When the chart
shows, it has the category, the series fields but no data
field!!! I must, manually show the fields list, select
the "Value" field (already in bold because used in the
Pivot table...) and drop it into Data field drop zone !!!

I tried to use javascript to discover how many fields
exists in each drop zone and for each zone the number is
right... except this zone (DataField) returns 1 when no
field are visible... If someone understand somethings...
please tell me.

None of my OWC controls are in read-only mode but in the
Chart, I can't use the Chart Wizard button, it is
disabled... why??

Final note about a previous post, where I wanted to load
an OWC on server side with the XML Data, it keeped
failing while on my development box... silly me.. it
worked on the server, I now have great charts on my dev
server. It fails on the tests server, what must be
installed? Only register the interop.dll file or install
the Office XP Web Components ?

Hoping some of you can help me...
Many thanks in advance, you saved my day few times

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