Transfer Database

  • Thread starter \karen scheu via\
  • Start date

\karen scheu via\

I have a series of macros that I want to convert to a VBA module. The first
action in the macro is TransferDatabase (Import an AS400 table to access
table.) How do I do this in VBA? I want to write to a log file as I go
along to keep track of what is going on? Also, use error handling which I
can't do through macros.

Can someone give me an example of how to code the connection and transfer?


Alex Dybenko

in VBA you can use docmd.TransferDatabase method. Log file you have to
create by yourself, perhaps checking how many records were imported with a
docmd.TransferDatabase will raise an error if any, which you can handle with
standard VBA error handler On Error goto Proc_Err...

John Nurick

Hi Karen,

At the end of this message I've pasted a little VBA function that makes
it easy to write a string to a text file.

Add a wrapper procedure, maybe like this, which timestamps each entry:

Public Sub WriteToLog(S As String)
Const LOG_FILE = "C:\folder\file.txt"

WriteToFile Now() & vbTab & S & vbCrLf, LOG_FILE, False
End Sub

and then you can just use
WriteToLog "I wonder what happens here..."

I have a series of macros that I want to convert to a VBA module. The first
action in the macro is TransferDatabase (Import an AS400 table to access
table.) How do I do this in VBA? I want to write to a log file as I go
along to keep track of what is going on? Also, use error handling which I
can't do through macros.

Can someone give me an example of how to code the connection and transfer?

Public Function WriteToFile(Var As Variant, _
FileSpec As String, _
Optional Overwrite As Long = True) _
As Long
'Writes Var to a textfile as a string.
'Returns 0 if successful, an errorcode if not.

'Overwrite argument controls what happens
'if the target file already exists:
' -1 or True (default): overwrite it.
' 0 or False: append to it
' Any other value: abort.

Dim lngFN As Long

On Error GoTo Err_WriteToFile
lngFN = FreeFile()
Select Case Overwrite
Case -1 'True
Open FileSpec For Output As #lngFN
Case 0 'False
Open FileSpec For Append As #lngFN
Case Else
If Len(Dir(FileSpec)) > 0 Then
Err.Raise 58 'File already exists
Open FileSpec For Output As #lngFN
End If
End Select
Print #lngFN, CStr(Nz(Var, ""));
Close #lngFN
WriteToFile = 0
Exit Function
WriteToFile = Err.Number
End Function

\karen scheu via\

Thank you both for your replies. I created procedure that uses the docmd.
transferdatabase. It works perfectly. Thanks for the ideas for creating the
log file.

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