Transfering presentation on to a memory stick


Char.M Plz help me

everytime I try and save a presentation to the U3 memory stick it tells me
Can not copy files on to this CD-rom Drive are read only. My stick doesn't
have a swich on the side and I have gone into propeties and changed the
folder and presentation so they aren't hidden or read only.

Can enyone help me?

Ute Simon

Don't "save" files to the USB stick, use Windows Explorer to copy them to
the stick. Make sure enough free space is available. Should be twice the
file size, if you want to open the presentation from the stick.

Best regards,

Char.M Plz help me

Dear Ute Simon,

Thank you for your advice. I am a novice user - could you please tell me
how to copy my presentation to Windows Explorer.

Many thanks.


Ute Simon

Thank you for your advice. I am a novice user - could you please tell me
how to copy my presentation to Windows Explorer.

Dear Charlotte,

the Windows Explorer is part of the operating system of your computer. As I
don't know, which you use, I assume Windows XP, which is the most common. On
your desktop look for a link saying "Windows Explorer" (a yellow folder with
a magnifying glass) or "My computer" and double-click on it. That should
open a window with a list of the drives (C:\ for your hard drive, D:\ for
your CD-drive, another letter for your USB stick). Locate the file you want
to copy (I don't know where you stored it), right-click on it and choose
"Copy". Locate the letter representing your USB drive, click on it to open,
right-click in some white area and choose "Paste". A small grey window
should appear to inform you that the file is being copied. Wait until it
disappears. Your file should now be on your USB drive.

You should inform yourself (in a computer training for beginners, with the
help of a handbook, etc.) about these basics, you will need them again and
again, regardless with which program you are working, Word, PowerPoint, and
so on.

Best regards,

Char.M Plz help me

Dear Ute Simon,
Thank you so much for your help, you have saved the day!
Regards Charlotte

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