Trouble with internet e-mail settings in Outlook 2007 on Vista



I have just purchased a new PC running Windows Vista. I have installed
Outlook 2007 and have set up and successfully tested my Yahoo email account.
I am trying to set up my business account but it fails on test.

I have the account set up already on my Vista laptop, also running Outlook
2007, and have copied the settings exactly.

I have also checked that the password is correct by logging onto the Horde
Webmail for this account - and that works, too.

Both laptop and PC are running Norton Antivirus and have the same DEP

I don't know Vista well enough to think of any other ideas. Help!


Apologies - I've answered my own question: It would appear that my laptop
(which I don't use very much) was not set up correctly either. When setting
up the email account, I needed to include the full email address under user
name, even though as you tab through the process Outlook automatically cuts
off the domain name part of the email address. I just had to put it back
again and everything was ok.

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