Unable to reload Publisher 2000


Mr. Moonlight

Hello -

Having a bit of a problem -

Recently did a dos install of windows 98SE - overlaying exiting installation
of Windows 98.
Because this was processed as a new install, rather than an update - I
needed to reload all of my applications to have them registered properly in
the registry.
All reinstallation went OK = with the exception of Publihser 2000.

When I start the installation, I get a message to the effect:
"This patch package could not be opened. Verify that the patch package
exists and that you can access it, or contact the application vendor to
verity that this is a valid Windows Instller patch package".

Appreciate any thoughts as to the specific cause and solution to my


Mr. Moonlight

Checked out your suggestion - downloaded and employed the utility...
Each time I ran the utility - it only listed one program (I had expected to
see a list)

The first time I ran it, it only listed HP Photo editing application - which
I chose to remove
The next time, it listed MS Picture-it
The next time Office 2000
The next time Mcafee Firewall
The next time Mcaffe virusscan
the last time was the utility itself.

When I tried to reinstall Publisher - still got the patch package error

(I had office 97 and Publisher 2000 installed under the original W98
installation - and switched to Office 2000 with the dos installation of

Should I do some manual registry editing?

Thanks -

Mr. Moonlight

Out of curosity -
1) I tried running the utility specified in your link - no improvement
2)I tried running a registry cleaner - no improvement
3) I tried manually deleting the office folder in the registry - no
4) I did a reinstallation of windows - no improvement
5) When I (re)installed Office 2000 - I received several error messages
(that I also received during the initial installation of Office 2000):

"...error 1918, error installing OBDC Driver..." (about 5 or 6 times)
"...error 1919, configuration error OBDC Driver..." (3 times - Access,
Dbase, Excel)

Any suggestions on the OBDC error? Perhaps if I solve that, it might help
with the Publisher 2000 installation...


Mary Sauer

Try installing in safe mode.
Publisher could be looking for a driver you have changed, both graphics driver and
printer driver.
Try installing after you disable your virus software.

Mr. Moonlight

Prior to reading your most recent message, out of curosity I tried the

1) I tried running the utility specified in your link - no improvement
2)I tried running a registry cleaner - no improvement
3) I tried manually deleting the office folder in the registry prior to
reinstallation- no
4) When I (re)installed Office 2000 - I received several error messages
(that I also received during the initial installation of Office 2000):

"...error 1918, error installing OBDC Driver..." (about 5 or 6 times)
"...error 1919, configuration error OBDC Driver..." (3 times - Access,
Dbase, Excel)

I have yet to try the safe mode install - probably best to resolve the OBDC
issue first?

Any suggestions on the OBDC error?
Perhaps if I solve that, it might help
with the Publisher 2000 installation...


Mr. Moonlight

Resolved my OBDC errors during the installation of Office 2000 by
downloading and installing MDAC 2.9 in safe mode.

However, still having the problems with Publisher 2000.
Tried to install it in safe mode per your suggestion - still get the same
error message...

Mr. Moonlight

Reviewed Q295823 you mentioned - I see that it only supports installer
v1.1 - I have 2.0 - that's apparently why it didn't fix the problem...

Mary Sauer

Hi Mr. Moonlight,
Some other articles, although this error is not appearing for you, it could help
OFF: Error 2908 Installing Office, Publisher, or Word
Try this one too
PUB2000: Internal Error 2344: Please Contact Product Support for Assistance
OFF2000: Errors 1918, 1919, or 1909 When You Reinstall Office

Mr. Moonlight

Appreciate your suggestions!

I tried rebuilding the registry via scanreg.exe /fix and also installing
under a different user ID - no such luck...still receiving the patch error

This is turning out to be a stumper...

Mr. Moonlight

Just wondering - can I try to install Publisher application further down in
the directory hierarchy, rather than the setup.exe in the root directory?
( I had to do this in the past with several HP applications). I looked in
several sub-directories, but didn't see anything that looked promising....

Mr. Moonlight

Tried this suggestion - still the same error message.

Thanks for your continuing help...

Mary Sauer

Okay, there is more and more
OFF2000: List of Error Codes and Error Messages for Windows Installer Processes
Found this in another forum
1) Regedit
2) Click on registry - export the whole registry
3) Starting at the top search for "Patches" only in the KEYS
4) rename all folder patches found to something else
5) Keep finding patches, but DO NOT rename AppPatches, you need that
6) When finished, then you can install MS Office.

PRB: Windows System Restore Does Not Monitor Windows Installer Patch (.msp) Files

I assume you have the 2.0 Installer
Something to read
This one talks about Installshield

I am learning more than I ever wanted to learn.

Mr. Moonlight

Excellent! - That solved the problem

I did a search on the registry and came up with 7 folders titled "Patches".
Renamed all 7 to "Patchesxxx".

Ran Publisher installation - performed as expected.

Ran office update - advised all patches previsouly installed were required
again - did not install.

Changed "Patchesxxx" back to "Patches"

ReRan office update - would not run through the process.

Changed "Patches" to "patchesxxx" one at a time, untill I found the one that
prevented update from running - left it with the xxx.

Reran office update - only listed 3 necessary updates - ran the updates -
final pass - no needed updates.

Checked the registry - a new folder patches exists next to patchesxxx - same
data, but different registry keys.

Deleted Patchesxxx

Case Closed,

Thanks again for the help - now if I only understood why the problem started
in the first place (LOL)

Mary Sauer

Mr. Moonlight,
I am so glad you got it going. I am going to save all this... someone else may have
this problem down the road.
Good luck..

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