unable to total a column



I have a bank account that has a large number of checks clear each month. The
check register in our financial software package summarizes by check number,
date, vendor, and amount. When I save the ck. register to an Excel file, each
entry that comprised a check pulls also (example: one ck. number might be
listed 20 times with whatever amount that was posted for that vendor). I have
been able to combine the check numbers by doing subtotals and that works for
me. I then go in and delete all checks that have cleared for the month. I
would like to be able to get a total of all checks remaining. If I total the
column I keep getting a total for all the hidden cells as well. I have tried
copying and pasting values, then totaling, but that does not work either. I
need to find an accurate way to perform this function.

Peo Sjoblom

Use the subtotal function


will sum visible cells


Peo Sjoblom


Actually I can't get this to work either. I am not sure what I am doing wrong.

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