Unexpected failure, please try later. Error: -17099



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel
Email Client: pop

i've been using 2008 most of the year now and i get this error more than 50% of the time with sending emails. sometimes it happens twice in a row, and then the 3rd time it finally goes thru. this happened as soon as i started using the program with a brand new database. i also then imported my old data from 2004 and it also happens.

love how the error is so descriptive. really informative!

Unexpected failure, please try later.
Mail could not be sent.
Account name: "_____"
Error: -17099

Diane Ross

i've been using 2008 most of the year now and i get this error more than 50%
of the time with sending emails. sometimes it happens twice in a row, and then
the 3rd time it finally goes thru. this happened as soon as i started using
the program with a brand new database. i also then imported my old data from
2004 and it also happens.

Other than testing from Entourage 2004 to compare to Entourage 2008 for your
particular situation, I'm not sure how we can verify this is an Entourage
2008 problem. It's not happening to the majority of users. It also isnt
something that database corruption usually affects. However, in the past
months there have been many security updates and changes to your ISP's
servers could be at the cause of this. I would call your ISP and have them
monitor your connection. You used to be able to use tcpflow to monitor
traffic, but that appears to be broken under Leopard.
love how the error is so descriptive. really informative!

Developers really don't make then user friendly do they? :) The Error page
solutions mostly come from users. What's even more confusing the same number
can have different solutions and causes.


I am getting this error too.
It has only manifested itself since applying the latest MAC Office update. So I am not going to ring my ISP or mail provider. I have turned on the customer feedback option in the hope that enough spam will prompt a look at it, or I can do what over the years I have resigned myself to having to do with software, namely remove then reinstall, at least with the mac I can don't have to ferret though the registry to get at the previous versions little gotchas.

William Smith [MVP]

i've been using 2008 most of the year now and i get this error more
than 50% of the time with sending emails. sometimes it happens twice
in a row, and then the 3rd time it finally goes thru. this happened
as soon as i started using the program with a brand new database. i
also then imported my old data from 2004 and it also happens.

love how the error is so descriptive. really informative!

Unexpected failure, please try later. Mail could not be sent. Account
name: "_____" Error: -17099

This is a very hot topic right now and you're correct that it was
introduced with the 12.1.3 update.

See my post and Diane's follow up posts here:

"Office 12.1.3 update breaks sending Exchange meeting invitations"

Hope this helps!



Entourage Help Page <http://entourage.mvps.org/>
Entourage Help Blog <http://blog.entourage.mvps.org/>
YouTalk <http://nine.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/youtalk>
Twitter: follow <http://twitter.com/meck>


thanks but this is actually a different error code and mine happened with every version of E-2008 yet

William Smith [MVP]

thanks but this is actually a different error code and mine happened
with every version of E-2008 yet

Apologies. I see it's similar but not the same.

If something works part of the time but not other times then your
Entourage settings are 100% correct or else they'd never work.

This leads me to believe you're experiencing network issues.

Do you have a portable computer? Can you take it to a local coffee shop
or wireless hot spot and test from there? If that works then the problem
is either with your home network or your ISP.

Hope this helps!



Entourage Help Page <http://entourage.mvps.org/>
Entourage Help Blog <http://blog.entourage.mvps.org/>
YouTalk <http://nine.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/youtalk>
Twitter: follow <http://twitter.com/meck>


Diane, Bill: thanks for the ISP suggestion. i contacted them finally after waiting on hold for an hour, and the rep had me add some info into the 'advanced sending options' in account settings. i checked the 'override default smtp port' & changed the port setting, and also checked the 'smtp port requires authentication' where they had me add some login info. this seemed to do the trick b/c the past day or so i haven't had that error anymore! hopefully this is it.

think E-2008 must have some type of low level configuration differences to require this specific info b/c i used the same account info from E-2004 (which had no adv settings) and never had this problem with that version. the very first day i switched to E-2008 i got this error so i dont think the chances of my ISP changing server settings on the same exact day are too high, but who knows :)


notice that everytime i start a sentence with "i" it doesn't show up and in the email i get, it makes the following sentence italicized.

btw, this is a desktop mac so i couldnt have tried it anywhere else.

Diane Ross

Glad you got your account working. As far as the problem starting in
Entourage 2008, I know that all applications now are more strict about
security. We just haven't seen lots of reports like yours that had to do
with the change over. Most have been when their ISPs updated their servers.
Most of the server updates happened about the same time as Leopard and
Office 2008 were released so between the three, there has been a lot of

Diane Ross

notice that everytime i start a sentence with "i" it doesn't show up and in
the email i get, it makes the following sentence italicized.

btw, this is a desktop mac so i couldnt have tried it anywhere else.

We aren't seeing it here. Can you post some screenshots? The Mactopia
interface strips out HTML. If you post via a newsreader like Entourage, you
can post in HTML.

You can post a screenshot link using a service like ImageShack. ImageShack
is an easy-to-use free media hosting service. It can be used to upload
images. Registration is not required in order to upload files.

ImageShack® - Image Hosting <http://imageshack.us/>

How To Post Screen Shots To Newsgroups

1. On your keyboard, press Command-Shift-4.
2. On your keyboard, press the space bar.
3. Click the window you want. A picture file will appear on the desktop.
4. Go to http://imageshack.us/.
5. Click Browse, then navigate to and select the picture file.
6. Click "host it!".
7. Paste the "Show image to friends" URL in a newsgroup message.

Manuel Hernandez (SPAIN)

I am using Entourage2003 with a Exchange account, with the same message -17199. If I configure the same account with a blank database over another computer, all work fine and there is not error. I think the problem involves the database of Entourage.But, i dont know what to do by the moment.

Sorry for my Engllish.

Diane Ross

This is a known issue after installing the 12.1.3 update.

Microsoft¹s MacBU will deliver a corrective update in the coming weeks. In
the interim, find workarounds and additional details on the Entourage Help
Blog. <http://tinyurl.com/6nmbql>

The easiest solution if you have a backup copy of Office 2008 12.1.2, is to
revert to the previous version.


that makes sense on the E-2008 security updates. thanks for clarifying. the past 4 days or so now, all my outgoing emails have been sent without that error except 1. i did have 1 email where i got the error and had to resend.

ok, these italicized sentences are happening when i post using the website. right now, i'm viewing this thread at the following link: <http://www.officeformac.com/ProductForums?13@@.59b5e0e6/9>

here is the screenshot of my email:

the 2nd sentence is in italics b/c i started the sentence with a lowercase 'i' which you see is not there.

Diane Ross

ok, these italicized sentences are happening when i post using the website.
right now, i'm viewing this thread at the following link:

here is the screenshot of my email:

the 2nd sentence is in italics b/c i started the sentence with a lowercase 'i'
which you see is not there.

I think I understand. Just to be sure. When you post via the Mactopia
interface, you get an email back. This email has the 2nd sentence in

Do you see this in any other emails? If not, then it's something with the
auto response from Mactopia. If I'm not understanding, give me more details.

NOW.... Why not just post via Entourage to begin with and save all the
hassle of going to the Mactopia site? This is a newsgroup and not a forum.

How to subscribe to the Microsoft Entourage newsgroup

It's also easier to download old messages to search for help. Spotlight
search in Entourage will find answers for you quickly.

Messages posted via a newsreader post instantly where the Mactopia interface
does not populate the newsgroup as quickly.


yes, exactly. in the email i get in entourage, the 'i' is not seen, and i get the sentence in italics. this only happens when i start the sentence with 'i' and it happened in other emails too that i got from my posts.

ok, well this isnt a problem that bothers me really. i was just reporting the behavior. if i end up posting a lot more mssgs regularly then maybe i will but otherwise it's easier for me to organize the way i do it now. i used to do a lot of newsgroups and for my purposes i dont like them in my email app. i like to separate this kind of stuff by interacting on the site and being able to view individual threads. it's much cleaner for my purposes.

Diane Ross

yes, exactly. in the email i get in entourage, the 'i' is not seen, and i get
the sentence in italics. this only happens when i start the sentence with 'i'
and it happened in other emails too that i got from my posts.

This is a bit confusing, but it could be a font issue.

Troubleshoot Fonts

If this does not help....

Test in a new Identity to see if it's database corruption.

If that fails, test in a new User. Go to System Preferences --> Create a New
User in Accounts. Switch to the New User by logging out/in or use Fast User
Switching. Test Entourage there.

Let me know if this helps.


well, it's not a big deal, but what seems to be happening is that 'i' is somehow acting as a command for italicized. it doesnt happen in otehr emails or if i send a mssg to myself. only thru the mactopia entourage forum auto emails/

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