I want to display the money left in the project on the left of task as a cost field. The very first task at the top has the money (B) initially allocated for the project. The next down has some X amont less (B-X) , and the second has some X+Y amount less (B-X-Y) etc. until all the money is spent. I created two columns 1. Budget 2. Expense. I enter expenses for every task in the Expense column. I want to the budget column to show : Money Left New = Budget (B) - MoneyLeft Old by . The value of the Budget is set in the cell for the first task. Then the othetr cells in the Budget column should show "Budget (B) - the sum of expenses in the cell(s) of the Expense column. How can I doo that?
Task Name Duration Start Finish Budget Expense
Close Term Sheet 27d Thu 6/26/08 Fri 8/1/08 "$250,000.00" "0.00"
Drafting CAD 32d Thu 6/26/08 Fri 8/8/08 "$246,945.00" "3,055.00"
Pay President's salary 131d? Wed 7/2/08 Wed 12/31/08 "$206,945.00" "40,000.00"
Thank you,
I want to display the money left in the project on the left of task as a cost field. The very first task at the top has the money (B) initially allocated for the project. The next down has some X amont less (B-X) , and the second has some X+Y amount less (B-X-Y) etc. until all the money is spent. I created two columns 1. Budget 2. Expense. I enter expenses for every task in the Expense column. I want to the budget column to show : Money Left New = Budget (B) - MoneyLeft Old by . The value of the Budget is set in the cell for the first task. Then the othetr cells in the Budget column should show "Budget (B) - the sum of expenses in the cell(s) of the Expense column. How can I doo that?
Task Name Duration Start Finish Budget Expense
Close Term Sheet 27d Thu 6/26/08 Fri 8/1/08 "$250,000.00" "0.00"
Drafting CAD 32d Thu 6/26/08 Fri 8/8/08 "$246,945.00" "3,055.00"
Pay President's salary 131d? Wed 7/2/08 Wed 12/31/08 "$206,945.00" "40,000.00"
Thank you,