User is unable to open a new .mde level


Gordon Jones

(This is a duplicate of a posting in the "Security"
section, in case someone in this section has an answer.)

I have issued a new .mde level of my program. I download
both the .mde version and a .zip-ped copy, and both test
o.k. Numerous other users have also installed it o.k.

One user gets the following message upon trying to open the
new level:
"Microsoft Access cannot open this file. This file is
located outside your intanet or on an untrusted site.
Microsoft Access will not opotn the file due to potential
security problems. To open file, copy it to your machine
or an accessible network location."

I have tried to get the user to open the program holding
down the shift key in order to check to see if the problem
is associated with the Link Table Manager, but it won't
open for her in that mode either.

I've also tried sending her another copy of the program,
but the results are the same.

She has recently installed SP2 on XP. This is an Access
2002 program.

I'd appreciate any help.


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