User vs. Admin Accounts


Linda Corbet

Our server person set up the Web Access Component of Project 2007 to use
Windows Authentification. I was given Project Manager's rights in the
program but at times I need to be able to view site in User mode to help
troubleshoot other user's problems or walk them through a process, how can we
do that without adding another generic user account. Our IT security will
not let us add one to the network to use in the Web component. Thanks.


Dale Howard [MVP]

Linda --

As a member of the Project Managers group, you can do everything that people
in the Team Members group can do. Hope this helps.

Linda Corbet

I know I can but problem is if I'm trying to troubleshoot - it's hard to tell
what I have that they don't. Already ran into that problem with the multiple
views I have vs the one view the user role sees. I need to see the screen as
they see it.



Dale Howard [MVP]

Linda Corbet said:
I know I can but problem is if I'm trying to troubleshoot - it's hard to
what I have that they don't. Already ran into that problem with the
views I have vs the one view the user role sees. I need to see the screen
they see it.



Dale Howard [MVP]

Linda --

The only way to handle this is to create a Windows user account for a
generic team member. Since your IT people won't allow that, then I'd say
your next best bet is to go to the PC of a team member and look at the
screen with them. Sorry I can't be of more help.

Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


The final option you have available is to use non-Windows authenticated
accounts. To do this, you'll need to enable forms authentication on your
Farm. This is a much larger task than setting up some application testing
accounts, so your IT folks probably won't like this either.


Gary L. Chefetz, MVP
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