Using Excel Mac 2004 along side Mac excel 2008



Although I am disappointed with Office 2008 for Mac because of the absent of
Analysis toolpack, I figured things out quite recently that I can still
install my Mac office 2004 and use the excel package that contains the
Analysis tool pack. How? ...... let me show you:

1. Insert your CD for Mac office 2004
2. When it open on your desk top, two options will be given to you to
download the software
(a) Office set-up assistant, and (b) Microsoft office 2004.
3. CHOOSE MICROSOFT OFFICE 2004 (Drag the icon onto your desk top) and it
will start to run/download.
4. When done, this will appear as a file, so, you can keep it in your
DOCUMENTS folder and use it whenever you want.

It works OK and you can do all your analysis here and still use your 2008
version without any problem. I hope this works for you too!!

Terrie J. Knight

Are you saying that we can no longer prepare spreadsheets using the statistics and functions as before?? If not, I am really screwed with my Finance class!

I am unable currently to even open my Accounting folder to prepare and save a new document for class tomorrow. Also, the formula bar is down too far and covers the top of the document that is in use. I am still using Tiger -- what's going on? Maybe we should be asked if we want an update instead of it automatically occurring!! :frown:

Bob Greenblatt

Are you saying that we can no longer prepare spreadsheets using the statistics
and functions as before?? If not, I am really screwed with my Finance class!

I am unable currently to even open my Accounting folder to prepare and save a
new document for class tomorrow. Also, the formula bar is down too far and
covers the top of the document that is in use. I am still using Tiger --
what's going on? Maybe we should be asked if we want an update instead of it
automatically occurring!! :frown:
I'm not sure what your problem is, or what you are asking. You can indeed
use both Excel 2004 and 2008 on the same machine at the same time. All the
statistical functions that were in the Excel 2004 Analysis Tool Pack are
built in to Excel 2008. If you have a specific problem or question, please
ask it.

In Excel 208, the formula bar is either floating, or docked to the menu bar.
It can not be (and never could be) attached to the workbook window.

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