vba Query for column name



Please help me in this issue....here is my code..and tabel struct.

column name datatype

dateofS date
stid number
stname text
petrol number
dessel number
store number
oils number
totalS number

in the form i have 3 combo box list
in first combo i have values like petrol,dessel,store,oils (user may select
any one of this)
in second i have stid (user may select 1 or 2 or 3......etc)
in third i will select the date value (01/09/2005 or 02/06/2005......)

my query as follows...

Dim strSQL As String
Dim d8, d9 As Variant

d8 = Forms!searchfrm!activitycmb
strSQL = "SELECT " & d8 & ",dateofS,totalS ,stid FROM details where stid=" &
Forms!searchfrm!stidcmb & ""
strSQL = Replace(strSQL, " & Forms!searchfrm!stidcmb & ",

activitycmb will give petrol or dissel or oil etc....
forms!searchfrm!stidcmb will give stid

Set r1s = asDB.OpenRecordset(strSQL)

Me.RecordSource = strSQL
Do While r1s.EOF = False

Me.Text8.ControlSource = Forms!searchfrm!activitycmb

it is working fine i am able to display the values petrol or dissel etc..in
my report
my Question is how can display other values in the query like dateofS,totalS

please help me i am very much confussed..

Thanks in advance


If the combo has the column count higher than 1 (to accomodate the other
fields) you can reference them in much the same way you do with this line

Me.Text8.ControlSource = Forms!searchfrm!activitycmb

Stick another text box on and try this
Me.NewTextBoxName.ControlSource = Forms!searchfrm!activitycmb.column(1)


Kindly look into this matter....if i use xxxxxx.column(1) i get error message
runtime error 451
"property let procedure not difined and property get procedure did not
return object"

i would like to display in my rpt...the other fields from my query..


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