video in ppt



I have some short videoclips linked out from my presentations. They are on a
slide combined with text and set to run automatically after slide opening.
It runs quite ok, only from about 3rd or 4th slide with video in a row, the
clip starts with some "hesitations" after intial few frames. Then it goes
well to the end (not more than one or two minutes). Then after several
slides with video, irregularly, the PP hangs with processor being consumed
by 99% by PowerPoint.exe. I have allways to manualy (brutally) stop
non-reacting PP from the task manager and start from the beginning. Then it
runs till it reaches some point again, always different, and the same
The computer is a NB Acer TravelMate 6004, PP 2003, videos mosty coded by
Any suggestions? It happens with hw acceleration both on and off, in any
Thanks for any hints, it is already quite vital!

Austin Myers


I am not a big fan of using DivX within PowerPoint. I would suggest
re-encoding the video to a more standard Windows (wmv) format. If you are
unfamilar with doing this you might want to download PFCMedia to do it
automatically for you.

You may get a copy from

Austin Myers
MS PowerPoint MVP Team

PowerPoint Video and PowerPoint Sound Solutions


Thanks, I give it a try. I have been using this combo for years... This is
the first time it does not work ok.

Austin Myers

I agree, *most* of the time it works... The problem I have ran into is that
DivX is an open source codec and lots of people like to "experiment" with
it. I've had DivX videos that seemed to be correct but later I found they
had been encoded with some varient of the DivX codec and they failed to play
properly. (The MCI player used in PPT is very picky about how things are
encoded while the Windows Media Player is more forgiving.)

Austin Myers
MS PowerPoint MVP Team

PowerPoint Video and PowerPoint Sound Solutions

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