visio 2002



I would like to know. Can you have a chart click on a
symbol in that chart. By clicking on that symbol pull up
other information from another chart.

Dick Hamilton \(MS\)

Hi Beverly,

There are several ways of having additional information appear by clicking
on an object in a chart or cell in a table. you can use hyperlinks (ctrl+K)
or Insert > Hyperlinks to add a reference to a web page or another document
or even another page within the current document. See the Visio online help
for more information on adding hyperlinks.

A more advanced approach would be to create a VBA macro (or use an OLE verb
for a link or embedded object from another application) to update the text
on a single shape when you double-click on an item within a chart or
table -- look for information on extending the functionality of Visio with
macros by selecting Help > Visio Developer Reference, or refer to a Visio
reference book such as the Visio 2002 Developer's Survival Pack or Visio
Inside Out. I hope this helps.

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