visio current date and time fields



How can i search a shape's text for occurrences of current date and time
fields. Is there a way I can just search the text for a time field and a
date field of any format?

Thanks in advance.

John Goldsmith \(Visio MVP\)

Hello Biggaford,

The text of the shape will only return a mix of the inserted field and so
you would be able to check for the the 'current date/time' as opposed to
just an abitary date using Edit / Find.

If you know the format that was used for the inserted fields you might be
able to search using a pattern such as:


....which will return a match for a date.

Otherwise you could seach through all of the shapes with code fairly easily
searching for an inserted field (Text Field) that uses the Now() function.

Let me know if you're happy using code and I'll help out if you need it.
(You might find this useful if you've not tried any code before ).

Hope that helps.

Best regards


John Goldsmith (Visio MVP)


Thank you John. I have written some code as shown bellow:

Private Sub Fields(ByVal vShape As Visio.Shape)

Dim vChar As Visio.Characters
Dim t As Short
Dim feildtype As Short
Dim fieldCodeID As Short

vChar = vShape.Characters 'Characters object of shape object.
Dim chr As String = vChar.Text

'isField if 0 contains characters in addition to the expanded text
of a field.
'isField if -1 represents only the expanded text of a field.
t = vChar.IsField

If t = -1 Then 'contains expanded text only of a field.
feildtype = vChar.FieldCategory
fieldCodeID = vChar.FieldCode

'Testing for field type(date\time) and specified field type
(current date field).
If feildtype = 1 And fieldCodeID = 2 Then 'visFCatDateTime
vChar.Text = "AUTODATE"
ElseIf feildtype = 1 And fieldCodeID = 4 Then 'visCodeEditDate
[last edit date]
vChar.Text = "AUTODATE"
ElseIf feildtype = 1 And fieldCodeID = 6 Then 'visFCodePrintDate
vChar.Text = "AUTODATE"
ElseIf feildtype = 1 And fieldCodeID = 3 Then 'visFCodeCurrentTime
vChar.Text = "AUTODATE"
ElseIf feildtype = 1 And fieldCodeID = 5 Then 'visFCodeEditTime
vChar.Text = "AUTODATE"
ElseIf feildtype = 1 And fieldCodeID = 7 Then 'visFCodePrintTime
vChar.Text = "AUTODATE"
ElseIf feildtype = 2 And fieldCodeID = 2 Then
vChar.Text = "AUTOPATH"
ElseIf feildtype = 2 And fieldCodeID = 3 Then 'Field with only
fileName in it.
vChar.Text = "AUTOPATH"
'ElseIf feildtype = 2 And fieldCodeID = 0 Then 'Blanking out
creator field.
' vChar.Text = "AUTOCREATOR"
End If

ElseIf t = 0 Then 'My problem here, text with field in one Text
Field, how do i search the string for the inserted fields.

vChar.text = RemoveNonFieldCurrentDates(chr )

End Sub

Private Function RemoveNonFieldCurrentDates(ByVal charsctersStr As String)
As String

Dim tempSTR As String
Dim boo As Boolean

'Possible visio date formates.
Dim a As String = Date.Today '10/28/2008
Dim aindex As Integer = InStr(charsctersStr, a)
If aindex <> 0 Then
tempSTR = charsctersStr.ToString.Replace(a, "AUTODATE")
boo = True
End If

'if non of the above is in string.
If Not boo Then
tempSTR = charsctersStr
End If

Return tempSTR
End Function

what I am doing is to replace all occurences of current date/time with the
string "Autodate".
I get the characters object of the shape object passed in the sub, then i
use the isField property to determine if it is a field. BUT, my struggle
arises when it is not just a field, but the text field has text and a
date/time field in it. I prefer to search the characters string for inserted
fields and replace them accordingly; but how do i know when I reach a field.

I tried changing the NOW() formula in the shape sheet of the Text Fields
section, but its not allowing me to and its not guarded.

ANd definately, im happy using code, i just havent figured out the right
thing to use as yet.

John Goldsmith \(Visio MVP\)

Hello Biggaford,

Well I hope I'm understanding the problem just want to
replace the automatic date fields with a straight text?

Basically an inserted field takes up a single character irrespective of its
resulting text length, so you just need to loop through each character and
check (as you've been doing) whether it is a field.

I've adapted your code a little to find the field, based on your criteria.
The field is deleted and then replaced with the current date.

Note that I'm using VBA here but the VB won't be very different.

Private Sub Fields(ByVal vShape As Visio.Shape)

Dim vChar As Visio.Characters
Set vChar = vShape.Characters 'Characters object of shape object.

Dim chrIndex As Integer
For chrIndex = 1 To Len(vShape.Text)
vChar.Begin = chrIndex - 1
vChar.End = chrIndex
If vChar.IsField = -1 Then
If vChar.FieldCategory = Visio.visFCatDateTime Then
Select Case vChar.FieldCode
Case Visio.visFCodeCurrentDate, _
Visio.visFCodeEditDate, _
Visio.visFCodePrintDate, _
Visio.visFCodeCurrentTime, _
Visio.visFCodeEditTime, _
vChar.End = vChar.Begin
vChar.Text = Format(Now(), "dd/mm/yyyy")
'vChar.Text = "AUTODATE"
End Select
ElseIf vChar.FieldCategory = Visio.visFCatDocument Then
Select Case vChar.FieldCode
Case Visio.visFCodeDirectory, _
'Add your path code
'vChar.Text = "AUTOPATH"
End Select
End If
End If
Next chrIndex
End Sub

Let me know if that helps or if I've gone off on the wrong track.

Best regards


John Goldsmith (Visio MVP)

Biggaford said:
Thank you John. I have written some code as shown bellow:

Private Sub Fields(ByVal vShape As Visio.Shape)

Dim vChar As Visio.Characters
Dim t As Short
Dim feildtype As Short
Dim fieldCodeID As Short

vChar = vShape.Characters 'Characters object of shape object.
Dim chr As String = vChar.Text

'isField if 0 contains characters in addition to the expanded text
of a field.
'isField if -1 represents only the expanded text of a field.
t = vChar.IsField

If t = -1 Then 'contains expanded text only of a field.
feildtype = vChar.FieldCategory
fieldCodeID = vChar.FieldCode

'Testing for field type(date\time) and specified field type
(current date field).
If feildtype = 1 And fieldCodeID = 2 Then 'visFCatDateTime
vChar.Text = "AUTODATE"
ElseIf feildtype = 1 And fieldCodeID = 4 Then 'visCodeEditDate
[last edit date]
vChar.Text = "AUTODATE"
ElseIf feildtype = 1 And fieldCodeID = 6 Then
vChar.Text = "AUTODATE"
ElseIf feildtype = 1 And fieldCodeID = 3 Then
vChar.Text = "AUTODATE"
ElseIf feildtype = 1 And fieldCodeID = 5 Then 'visFCodeEditTime
vChar.Text = "AUTODATE"
ElseIf feildtype = 1 And fieldCodeID = 7 Then
vChar.Text = "AUTODATE"
ElseIf feildtype = 2 And fieldCodeID = 2 Then
vChar.Text = "AUTOPATH"
ElseIf feildtype = 2 And fieldCodeID = 3 Then 'Field with only
fileName in it.
vChar.Text = "AUTOPATH"
'ElseIf feildtype = 2 And fieldCodeID = 0 Then 'Blanking
creator field.
' vChar.Text = "AUTOCREATOR"
End If

ElseIf t = 0 Then 'My problem here, text with field in one Text
Field, how do i search the string for the inserted fields.

vChar.text = RemoveNonFieldCurrentDates(chr )

End Sub

Private Function RemoveNonFieldCurrentDates(ByVal charsctersStr As String)
As String

Dim tempSTR As String
Dim boo As Boolean

'Possible visio date formates.
Dim a As String = Date.Today '10/28/2008
Dim aindex As Integer = InStr(charsctersStr, a)
If aindex <> 0 Then
tempSTR = charsctersStr.ToString.Replace(a, "AUTODATE")
boo = True
End If

'if non of the above is in string.
If Not boo Then
tempSTR = charsctersStr
End If

Return tempSTR
End Function

what I am doing is to replace all occurences of current date/time with the
string "Autodate".
I get the characters object of the shape object passed in the sub, then i
use the isField property to determine if it is a field. BUT, my struggle
arises when it is not just a field, but the text field has text and a
date/time field in it. I prefer to search the characters string for
fields and replace them accordingly; but how do i know when I reach a

I tried changing the NOW() formula in the shape sheet of the Text Fields
section, but its not allowing me to and its not guarded.

ANd definately, im happy using code, i just havent figured out the right
thing to use as yet.

John Goldsmith (Visio MVP) said:
Hello Biggaford,

The text of the shape will only return a mix of the inserted field and so
you would be able to check for the the 'current date/time' as opposed to
just an abitary date using Edit / Find.

If you know the format that was used for the inserted fields you might be
able to search using a pattern such as:


....which will return a match for a date.

Otherwise you could seach through all of the shapes with code fairly
searching for an inserted field (Text Field) that uses the Now()

Let me know if you're happy using code and I'll help out if you need it.
(You might find this useful if you've not tried any code before ).

Hope that helps.

Best regards


John Goldsmith (Visio MVP)


John sorry for a late reply, here's what I came up with:

Private Sub modifySubShapes(ByVal vShape As Visio.Shape)

Dim vChar As Visio.Characters
Dim cell As Visio.Cell
Dim sec As Visio.Section
Dim fieldCodeID As Short
Dim feildtype As Short
Dim AutoPath As String
Dim AutoDate As String
Dim t As Short

Dim num As Integer = 8
Dim intret As Integer
Dim sss As Short
Dim r As Integer


Select Case AutoPathStr

Case "Mark with AUTOPATH"
AutoPath = "AUTOPATH"
Case "Blank"
AutoPath = ""
End Select

Select Case AutoDateStr
Case "Mark with AUTODATE"
AutoDate = "AUTODATE"
Case "Blank"
AutoDate = ""
Case "Mark with Date last modified"
AutoDate = VisioDateTimeLastModified
End Select

'unprotect textedit protected shapes.

'getting the characters property of the vShape Shape, and return
characters object.
vChar = vShape.Characters 'Characters object of shape object.
Dim chr As String = vChar.Text 'getting the text property of the
characters object.

'isField if 0 contains characters in addition to the expanded
text of a field.
'isField if -1 represents only the expanded text of a field.
t = vChar.IsField

If t = -1 Then 'contains expanded text only of a field.
feildtype = vChar.FieldCategory
fieldCodeID = vChar.FieldCode

'Testing for field type(date\time) and specified field type
(current date field).
If feildtype = 1 And fieldCodeID = 2 Then 'visFCatDateTime
vChar.Text = AutoDate

ElseIf feildtype = 1 And fieldCodeID = 4 Then
'visCodeEditDate [last edit date]
vChar.Text = AutoDate

ElseIf feildtype = 1 And fieldCodeID = 6 Then
'visFCodePrintDate [print date]
vChar.Text = AutoDate

ElseIf feildtype = 1 And fieldCodeID = 3 Then
vChar.Text = AutoDate

ElseIf feildtype = 1 And fieldCodeID = 5 Then
vChar.Text = AutoDate

ElseIf feildtype = 1 And fieldCodeID = 7 Then
vChar.Text = AutoDate

ElseIf feildtype = 2 And fieldCodeID = 2 Then
vChar.Text = AutoPath

ElseIf feildtype = 2 And fieldCodeID = 3 Then 'Field with
only fileName in it.
vChar.Text = AutoPath
'ElseIf feildtype = 2 And fieldCodeID = 0 Then 'Blanking
out creator field.
' vChar.Text = "AUTOCREATOR"
End If

ElseIf t = 0 Then


intret = vShape.CellsSRCExists(num, 0, 0, 0) 'search for a
cell by section, row, and column index,
'use the CellsSRCExists property.[looking for TextFeild
section,row 0,column 0, and field visFieldCell (0)]
'if intret = -1, then shape has some inserted fields, if 0,
there are no inserted fields.

If intret = -1 Then

'getting section object TextField section.
sec = vShape.Section(num) 'visSectionTextField 8: Stores
an object's text fields.

'counting the rows in the textfield section.
sss = sec.Count

'looping through the shape's text block to replace
current date/time, directory and or filename.
For r = 0 To sss - 1

'check cell to see if field is current date/time,
directory or filename.
cell = vShape.CellsSRC(visSectionTextField, r,
Dim ss As String = cell.Formula

If ss = "NOW()" Then 'current date.
vShape.CellsSRC(visSectionTextField, r,
visFieldFormat).FormulaU = """=""""AUTODATE"""""""

ElseIf ss = "DOCLASTEDIT()" Then 'last edit date.
vShape.CellsSRC(visSectionTextField, r,
visFieldFormat).FormulaU = """=""""AUTODATE"""""""

ElseIf ss = "DOCLASTPRINT()" Then 'print date.
vShape.CellsSRC(visSectionTextField, r,
visFieldFormat).FormulaU = """=""""AUTODATE"""""""

ElseIf ss = "DOCLASTSAVE()" Then 'last save date.
vShape.CellsSRC(visSectionTextField, r,
visFieldFormat).FormulaU = """=""""AUTODATE"""""""

ElseIf ss = "DIRECTORY()" Then 'directory field.
vShape.CellsSRC(visSectionTextField, r,
visFieldFormat).FormulaU = """=""""AUTOPATH"""""""

ElseIf ss = "FILENAME()" Then 'file name field.
vShape.CellsSRC(visSectionTextField, r,
visFieldFormat).FormulaU = """=""""AUTOPATH"""""""
End If

Next r

End If 'end If intret = -1 Then

End If

Catch ex As System.Exception
Debug.Assert(False, ex.Message, ex.StackTrace)
vChar = Nothing
cell = Nothing
sec = Nothing
End Try

End Sub

This sub handles the text block with inserted fields along with additional
texts which i had trouble with. You had mentioned this method.
I get the TextField section of the shape, and since each row of the text
field section represents an inserted field, i check the formula to see if it
meets any of my criteria checks of current fields and replace them
accordingly by resetting the formula in the shape sheet.

I haven't tried the response u posted about the characters method, but i will.
Thank you very much John, I really appreciate your help, my questions
concerns have been answered for that case.

Since I am here now, i had another trouble when opening some org charts, it
gave a prompt that says the shapes of the chart need to be converted to the
current version of Visio before the document opened. These docs are ignored,
thus slowing my processing as they have to be manually modified. Also,
prompts keep on appearing for some functional charts.

Is there a way I can get around these programatically.

Thank you very much.

John Goldsmith (Visio MVP) said:
Hello Biggaford,

Well I hope I'm understanding the problem just want to
replace the automatic date fields with a straight text?

Basically an inserted field takes up a single character irrespective of its
resulting text length, so you just need to loop through each character and
check (as you've been doing) whether it is a field.

I've adapted your code a little to find the field, based on your criteria.
The field is deleted and then replaced with the current date.

Note that I'm using VBA here but the VB won't be very different.

Private Sub Fields(ByVal vShape As Visio.Shape)

Dim vChar As Visio.Characters
Set vChar = vShape.Characters 'Characters object of shape object.

Dim chrIndex As Integer
For chrIndex = 1 To Len(vShape.Text)
vChar.Begin = chrIndex - 1
vChar.End = chrIndex
If vChar.IsField = -1 Then
If vChar.FieldCategory = Visio.visFCatDateTime Then
Select Case vChar.FieldCode
Case Visio.visFCodeCurrentDate, _
Visio.visFCodeEditDate, _
Visio.visFCodePrintDate, _
Visio.visFCodeCurrentTime, _
Visio.visFCodeEditTime, _
vChar.End = vChar.Begin
vChar.Text = Format(Now(), "dd/mm/yyyy")
'vChar.Text = "AUTODATE"
End Select
ElseIf vChar.FieldCategory = Visio.visFCatDocument Then
Select Case vChar.FieldCode
Case Visio.visFCodeDirectory, _
'Add your path code
'vChar.Text = "AUTOPATH"
End Select
End If
End If
Next chrIndex
End Sub

Let me know if that helps or if I've gone off on the wrong track.

Best regards


John Goldsmith (Visio MVP)

Biggaford said:
Thank you John. I have written some code as shown bellow:

Private Sub Fields(ByVal vShape As Visio.Shape)

Dim vChar As Visio.Characters
Dim t As Short
Dim feildtype As Short
Dim fieldCodeID As Short

vChar = vShape.Characters 'Characters object of shape object.
Dim chr As String = vChar.Text

'isField if 0 contains characters in addition to the expanded text
of a field.
'isField if -1 represents only the expanded text of a field.
t = vChar.IsField

If t = -1 Then 'contains expanded text only of a field.
feildtype = vChar.FieldCategory
fieldCodeID = vChar.FieldCode

'Testing for field type(date\time) and specified field type
(current date field).
If feildtype = 1 And fieldCodeID = 2 Then 'visFCatDateTime
vChar.Text = "AUTODATE"
ElseIf feildtype = 1 And fieldCodeID = 4 Then 'visCodeEditDate
[last edit date]
vChar.Text = "AUTODATE"
ElseIf feildtype = 1 And fieldCodeID = 6 Then
vChar.Text = "AUTODATE"
ElseIf feildtype = 1 And fieldCodeID = 3 Then
vChar.Text = "AUTODATE"
ElseIf feildtype = 1 And fieldCodeID = 5 Then 'visFCodeEditTime
vChar.Text = "AUTODATE"
ElseIf feildtype = 1 And fieldCodeID = 7 Then
vChar.Text = "AUTODATE"
ElseIf feildtype = 2 And fieldCodeID = 2 Then
vChar.Text = "AUTOPATH"
ElseIf feildtype = 2 And fieldCodeID = 3 Then 'Field with only
fileName in it.
vChar.Text = "AUTOPATH"
'ElseIf feildtype = 2 And fieldCodeID = 0 Then 'Blanking
creator field.
' vChar.Text = "AUTOCREATOR"
End If

ElseIf t = 0 Then 'My problem here, text with field in one Text
Field, how do i search the string for the inserted fields.

vChar.text = RemoveNonFieldCurrentDates(chr )

End Sub

Private Function RemoveNonFieldCurrentDates(ByVal charsctersStr As String)
As String

Dim tempSTR As String
Dim boo As Boolean

'Possible visio date formates.
Dim a As String = Date.Today '10/28/2008
Dim aindex As Integer = InStr(charsctersStr, a)
If aindex <> 0 Then
tempSTR = charsctersStr.ToString.Replace(a, "AUTODATE")
boo = True
End If

'if non of the above is in string.
If Not boo Then
tempSTR = charsctersStr
End If

Return tempSTR
End Function

what I am doing is to replace all occurences of current date/time with the
string "Autodate".
I get the characters object of the shape object passed in the sub, then i
use the isField property to determine if it is a field. BUT, my struggle
arises when it is not just a field, but the text field has text and a
date/time field in it. I prefer to search the characters string for
fields and replace them accordingly; but how do i know when I reach a

I tried changing the NOW() formula in the shape sheet of the Text Fields
section, but its not allowing me to and its not guarded.

ANd definately, im happy using code, i just havent figured out the right
thing to use as yet.

John Goldsmith (Visio MVP) said:
Hello Biggaford,

The text of the shape will only return a mix of the inserted field and so
you would be able to check for the the 'current date/time' as opposed to
just an abitary date using Edit / Find.

If you know the format that was used for the inserted fields you might be
able to search using a pattern such as:


....which will return a match for a date.

Otherwise you could seach through all of the shapes with code fairly
searching for an inserted field (Text Field) that uses the Now()

Let me know if you're happy using code and I'll help out if you need it.
(You might find this useful if you've not tried any code before ).

Hope that helps.

Best regards


John Goldsmith (Visio MVP)

How can i search a shape's text for occurrences of current date and
fields. Is there a way I can just search the text for a time field and
date field of any format?

Thanks in advance.

John Goldsmith \(Visio MVP\)

Hello Biggaford,

Sorry for the slow reply..... I've replied to your new question in a new
post in this group.

See subject "Converting Org Chart doc from older version".

Best regards


John Goldsmith (Visio MVP)

Biggaford said:
John sorry for a late reply, here's what I came up with:

Private Sub modifySubShapes(ByVal vShape As Visio.Shape)

Dim vChar As Visio.Characters
Dim cell As Visio.Cell
Dim sec As Visio.Section
Dim fieldCodeID As Short
Dim feildtype As Short
Dim AutoPath As String
Dim AutoDate As String
Dim t As Short

Dim num As Integer = 8
Dim intret As Integer
Dim sss As Short
Dim r As Integer


Select Case AutoPathStr

Case "Mark with AUTOPATH"
AutoPath = "AUTOPATH"
Case "Blank"
AutoPath = ""
End Select

Select Case AutoDateStr
Case "Mark with AUTODATE"
AutoDate = "AUTODATE"
Case "Blank"
AutoDate = ""
Case "Mark with Date last modified"
AutoDate = VisioDateTimeLastModified
End Select

'unprotect textedit protected shapes.

'getting the characters property of the vShape Shape, and
characters object.
vChar = vShape.Characters 'Characters object of shape object.
Dim chr As String = vChar.Text 'getting the text property of
characters object.

'isField if 0 contains characters in addition to the expanded
text of a field.
'isField if -1 represents only the expanded text of a field.
t = vChar.IsField

If t = -1 Then 'contains expanded text only of a field.
feildtype = vChar.FieldCategory
fieldCodeID = vChar.FieldCode

'Testing for field type(date\time) and specified field type
(current date field).
If feildtype = 1 And fieldCodeID = 2 Then 'visFCatDateTime
vChar.Text = AutoDate

ElseIf feildtype = 1 And fieldCodeID = 4 Then
'visCodeEditDate [last edit date]
vChar.Text = AutoDate

ElseIf feildtype = 1 And fieldCodeID = 6 Then
'visFCodePrintDate [print date]
vChar.Text = AutoDate

ElseIf feildtype = 1 And fieldCodeID = 3 Then
vChar.Text = AutoDate

ElseIf feildtype = 1 And fieldCodeID = 5 Then
vChar.Text = AutoDate

ElseIf feildtype = 1 And fieldCodeID = 7 Then
vChar.Text = AutoDate

ElseIf feildtype = 2 And fieldCodeID = 2 Then
vChar.Text = AutoPath

ElseIf feildtype = 2 And fieldCodeID = 3 Then 'Field with
only fileName in it.
vChar.Text = AutoPath
'ElseIf feildtype = 2 And fieldCodeID = 0 Then
out creator field.
' vChar.Text = "AUTOCREATOR"
End If

ElseIf t = 0 Then


intret = vShape.CellsSRCExists(num, 0, 0, 0) 'search for a
cell by section, row, and column index,
'use the CellsSRCExists property.[looking for TextFeild
section,row 0,column 0, and field visFieldCell (0)]
'if intret = -1, then shape has some inserted fields, if 0,
there are no inserted fields.

If intret = -1 Then

'getting section object TextField section.
sec = vShape.Section(num) 'visSectionTextField 8:
an object's text fields.

'counting the rows in the textfield section.
sss = sec.Count

'looping through the shape's text block to replace
current date/time, directory and or filename.
For r = 0 To sss - 1

'check cell to see if field is current date/time,
directory or filename.
cell = vShape.CellsSRC(visSectionTextField, r,
Dim ss As String = cell.Formula

If ss = "NOW()" Then 'current date.
vShape.CellsSRC(visSectionTextField, r,
visFieldFormat).FormulaU = """=""""AUTODATE"""""""

ElseIf ss = "DOCLASTEDIT()" Then 'last edit date.
vShape.CellsSRC(visSectionTextField, r,
visFieldFormat).FormulaU = """=""""AUTODATE"""""""

ElseIf ss = "DOCLASTPRINT()" Then 'print date.
vShape.CellsSRC(visSectionTextField, r,
visFieldFormat).FormulaU = """=""""AUTODATE"""""""

ElseIf ss = "DOCLASTSAVE()" Then 'last save date.
vShape.CellsSRC(visSectionTextField, r,
visFieldFormat).FormulaU = """=""""AUTODATE"""""""

ElseIf ss = "DIRECTORY()" Then 'directory field.
vShape.CellsSRC(visSectionTextField, r,
visFieldFormat).FormulaU = """=""""AUTOPATH"""""""

ElseIf ss = "FILENAME()" Then 'file name field.
vShape.CellsSRC(visSectionTextField, r,
visFieldFormat).FormulaU = """=""""AUTOPATH"""""""
End If

Next r

End If 'end If intret = -1 Then

End If

Catch ex As System.Exception
Debug.Assert(False, ex.Message, ex.StackTrace)
vChar = Nothing
cell = Nothing
sec = Nothing
End Try

End Sub

This sub handles the text block with inserted fields along with additional
texts which i had trouble with. You had mentioned this method.
I get the TextField section of the shape, and since each row of the text
field section represents an inserted field, i check the formula to see if
meets any of my criteria checks of current fields and replace them
accordingly by resetting the formula in the shape sheet.

I haven't tried the response u posted about the characters method, but i
Thank you very much John, I really appreciate your help, my questions
concerns have been answered for that case.

Since I am here now, i had another trouble when opening some org charts,
gave a prompt that says the shapes of the chart need to be converted to
current version of Visio before the document opened. These docs are
thus slowing my processing as they have to be manually modified. Also,
prompts keep on appearing for some functional charts.

Is there a way I can get around these programatically.

Thank you very much.

John Goldsmith (Visio MVP) said:
Hello Biggaford,

Well I hope I'm understanding the problem just want to
replace the automatic date fields with a straight text?

Basically an inserted field takes up a single character irrespective of
resulting text length, so you just need to loop through each character
check (as you've been doing) whether it is a field.

I've adapted your code a little to find the field, based on your
The field is deleted and then replaced with the current date.

Note that I'm using VBA here but the VB won't be very different.

Private Sub Fields(ByVal vShape As Visio.Shape)

Dim vChar As Visio.Characters
Set vChar = vShape.Characters 'Characters object of shape object.

Dim chrIndex As Integer
For chrIndex = 1 To Len(vShape.Text)
vChar.Begin = chrIndex - 1
vChar.End = chrIndex
If vChar.IsField = -1 Then
If vChar.FieldCategory = Visio.visFCatDateTime Then
Select Case vChar.FieldCode
Case Visio.visFCodeCurrentDate, _
Visio.visFCodeEditDate, _
Visio.visFCodePrintDate, _
Visio.visFCodeCurrentTime, _
Visio.visFCodeEditTime, _
vChar.End = vChar.Begin
vChar.Text = Format(Now(), "dd/mm/yyyy")
'vChar.Text = "AUTODATE"
End Select
ElseIf vChar.FieldCategory = Visio.visFCatDocument Then
Select Case vChar.FieldCode
Case Visio.visFCodeDirectory, _
'Add your path code
'vChar.Text = "AUTOPATH"
End Select
End If
End If
Next chrIndex
End Sub

Let me know if that helps or if I've gone off on the wrong track.

Best regards


John Goldsmith (Visio MVP)

Biggaford said:
Thank you John. I have written some code as shown bellow:

Private Sub Fields(ByVal vShape As Visio.Shape)

Dim vChar As Visio.Characters
Dim t As Short
Dim feildtype As Short
Dim fieldCodeID As Short

vChar = vShape.Characters 'Characters object of shape
Dim chr As String = vChar.Text

'isField if 0 contains characters in addition to the expanded
of a field.
'isField if -1 represents only the expanded text of a field.
t = vChar.IsField

If t = -1 Then 'contains expanded text only of a field.
feildtype = vChar.FieldCategory
fieldCodeID = vChar.FieldCode

'Testing for field type(date\time) and specified field type
(current date field).
If feildtype = 1 And fieldCodeID = 2 Then 'visFCatDateTime
vChar.Text = "AUTODATE"
ElseIf feildtype = 1 And fieldCodeID = 4 Then
[last edit date]
vChar.Text = "AUTODATE"
ElseIf feildtype = 1 And fieldCodeID = 6 Then
vChar.Text = "AUTODATE"
ElseIf feildtype = 1 And fieldCodeID = 3 Then
vChar.Text = "AUTODATE"
ElseIf feildtype = 1 And fieldCodeID = 5 Then
vChar.Text = "AUTODATE"
ElseIf feildtype = 1 And fieldCodeID = 7 Then
vChar.Text = "AUTODATE"
ElseIf feildtype = 2 And fieldCodeID = 2 Then
vChar.Text = "AUTOPATH"
ElseIf feildtype = 2 And fieldCodeID = 3 Then 'Field with
fileName in it.
vChar.Text = "AUTOPATH"
'ElseIf feildtype = 2 And fieldCodeID = 0 Then 'Blanking
creator field.
' vChar.Text = "AUTOCREATOR"
End If

ElseIf t = 0 Then 'My problem here, text with field in one Text
Field, how do i search the string for the inserted fields.

vChar.text = RemoveNonFieldCurrentDates(chr )

End Sub

Private Function RemoveNonFieldCurrentDates(ByVal charsctersStr As
As String

Dim tempSTR As String
Dim boo As Boolean

'Possible visio date formates.
Dim a As String = Date.Today '10/28/2008
Dim aindex As Integer = InStr(charsctersStr, a)
If aindex <> 0 Then
tempSTR = charsctersStr.ToString.Replace(a, "AUTODATE")
boo = True
End If

'if non of the above is in string.
If Not boo Then
tempSTR = charsctersStr
End If

Return tempSTR
End Function

what I am doing is to replace all occurences of current date/time with
string "Autodate".
I get the characters object of the shape object passed in the sub, then
use the isField property to determine if it is a field. BUT, my
arises when it is not just a field, but the text field has text and a
date/time field in it. I prefer to search the characters string for
fields and replace them accordingly; but how do i know when I reach a

I tried changing the NOW() formula in the shape sheet of the Text
section, but its not allowing me to and its not guarded.

ANd definately, im happy using code, i just havent figured out the
thing to use as yet.


Hello Biggaford,

The text of the shape will only return a mix of the inserted field and
you would be able to check for the the 'current date/time' as opposed
just an abitary date using Edit / Find.

If you know the format that was used for the inserted fields you might
able to search using a pattern such as:


....which will return a match for a date.

Otherwise you could seach through all of the shapes with code fairly
searching for an inserted field (Text Field) that uses the Now()

Let me know if you're happy using code and I'll help out if you need
(You might find this useful if you've not tried any code before

Hope that helps.

Best regards


John Goldsmith (Visio MVP)

How can i search a shape's text for occurrences of current date and
fields. Is there a way I can just search the text for a time field
date field of any format?

Thanks in advance.

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