what if my install key was used before?


Anne Onime

I have a big-name-brand PC what came with Office 2007
preinstalled time-limited trial. Now that days have
passed, if I click on an Office file, it asks for a
25-character key. Now I obtained an Office Professional 2007
key (a DVD-style case without discs) from eBay. Labelled:
"For use only with a new Microsoft Office Ready PC."
The seal is not broken, but somebody can open the other
end of the case, and still manage to read the key ...
so it might have been used before. So if I try it, and it
was used, being OEM, will WGA then disable my Office 2007?
But if it was used more than 120 days ago, am I okay?

Peter Foldes

Anne Onime

Uninstall the Trial version AND the Activation Assistant before attempting to
install the new version. If any of the above that I mentioned then the new version
will not install

And just in case

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Anne Onime said:
I have a big-name-brand PC what came with Office 2007
preinstalled time-limited trial. Now that days have
passed, if I click on an Office file, it asks for a
25-character key. Now I obtained an Office Professional 2007
key (a DVD-style case without discs) from eBay. Labelled:
"For use only with a new Microsoft Office Ready PC."
The seal is not broken, but somebody can open the other
end of the case, and still manage to read the key ...
so it might have been used before. So if I try it, and it
was used, being OEM, will WGA then disable my Office 2007?
But if it was used more than 120 days ago, am I okay?

You probably have Home and Student trial already installed that needs to be
uninstalled along with it's activation assistant as this install won't work
with the key you have because I suspect it is a MLK key. Might as well open
the case to get to the COA and look in the lower right corner.

If it says MLK there you have a Medialess License Kit product key (the type
that should be purchased for "Office Ready PCs" but not trial software that
normally comes on the computer. You would then need to find the special
download site to enable you to get the installation program file. Go to
this web site and when entering the information you must tell it that you
purchased the computer less than 90 days or the download won't happen.
http://www.microsoft.com/office/backup/en-us/default.mspx click Download and
answer the message on the next page.

If it says FPP in the lower right corner you have purchased a fraudulent
product as it is required to have the installation disk in the package. The
same if it says OEM.

Let us know the outcome. I'm pretty sure you purchased a MLK key. The
issue here is that it can never "legally" be put on any other computer and
it is a one computer only install.

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