White square with red x?



I open a document in word that has pictures that do not always display
correctly They only show a white squre with a red x in the upper left corner
or partially display or sometimes display completely. How does one get the
pictures consitantly to show without having to change view settings or the
print layout?

Cindy M.

Hi Robert,
I open a document in word that has pictures that do not always display
correctly They only show a white squre with a red x in the upper left corner
or partially display or sometimes display completely. How does one get the
pictures consitantly to show without having to change view settings or the
print layout?
Which version of Word?

This was a problem with older versions, but I haven't heard much about it
recently, with new versions. It's basically a question of system resources...

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Jun 17 2005)

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Hello Cindy,

The version of MS Word is 2003 SP3. Not sure I understand what you mean by
resources unless you mean memory and disk space on my computer, but it is
hard to believe that this is the problem as it is a 2 ghz dual core CPU with
2 gb of ram and the hard disk is less the 20% full.

Sometimes the pictures show just fine other times not if I change the view
percentage or change the view layout it sometimes helps other times not. My
searches have not turned up much abuot this issue.

Cindy M.

Hi Robert,

You might try updating your graphics card driver and your printer driver - just
to be sure those aren't the issue.
The version of MS Word is 2003 SP3. Not sure I understand what you mean by
resources unless you mean memory and disk space on my computer, but it is
hard to believe that this is the problem as it is a 2 ghz dual core CPU with
2 gb of ram and the hard disk is less the 20% full.

Sometimes the pictures show just fine other times not if I change the view
percentage or change the view layout it sometimes helps other times not. My
searches have not turned up much abuot this issue.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Jun 17 2005)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or reply
in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

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