Word 2003 Performance Slow with Drawing Toolbar Open



Hi All,

I have an otherwise fine installation of Word 2003 that recently
starting pausing (hiccuping) after every couple keystrokes, making it
pretty much unusable.

After repairs, uninstalls (unchecked from Office install), reinstalls,
it wouldn't go away.

Amazingly, what did make it go away was closing the Drawing toolbar.

Note that I did not click on anything on the Drawing toolbar nor use
any of its tools. Just having it open on the screen is causing my Word
to have severe performance issues.

Based on other posts, I tried deselecting "Automatically create drawing
canvas" from the options, but this did not appear to have any effect.

Any thoughts on what could be causing the presence of the Drawing
toolbar to drag my Word application, as well as thoughts on fixing it?

-Gary Geniesse

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