Word 2007 Template and image/pic insertion - help please



Hi - I've been over in Template-land for a few days, they suggested I come
chat with you.

I'm using the 6pp 2 col newsletter template from the MS site. I would LOVE
to learn how to get my pictures into the document and have text flow around
them. I'd also love to learn how to do the same with pull-quotes.

Basic setup of the template is through text boxes. I know how to insert the
image (insert ->picture->click image name) but can't figure out if I create a
new text box for the image, or insert it into an existing text box that
contains my verbiage. I also have had NO luck at all with the text wrap
function, regardless of how I do the picture insertion. I will give my right
arm for a coherent step by step process. (And yes, I have read through the
posts here about inserting, and I've also gone through online help via the
program itself, and have had no satisfaction.)

It's never been this awkward before - Word 07 seems to be so unlike the
prior versions (been a user for about 15 years, maybe longer). And the Word
templates don't function at all the way Publisher did years ago (and I no
longer have publisher, anyway).

Thank you in advance!


And to clarify, I'm running MS Office 2007/Word. When I right click the
picture and look at Properties, none of the Layout options for word wrapping
are "live" or clickable.


Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Bridget,

Are you referring to the Word 2000
'Business newsletter (2-col., 6-pp., mailer) from
http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/templates/TC060862091033.aspx ?
That would be the one that has, on page 5, a title box of
"The Eeents of a Newsletter" (which spell check does catch as a goof that should be 'Elements' (well that is if you can see page
5, which you mentioned in your other posting that you could not) or is this a different one.

Where are you trying to add content in that template (or what content are you trying to replace)?

When you insert a picture in a shape (in this case a textbox) in Word the shape is what you wrap, the picture inside the shape can't
be wrapped (separately) within the textbox.
Hi - I've been over in Template-land for a few days, they suggested I come
chat with you.

I'm using the 6pp 2 col newsletter template from the MS site. I would LOVE
to learn how to get my pictures into the document and have text flow around
them. I'd also love to learn how to do the same with pull-quotes.

Basic setup of the template is through text boxes. I know how to insert the
image (insert ->picture->click image name) but can't figure out if I create a
new text box for the image, or insert it into an existing text box that
contains my verbiage. I also have had NO luck at all with the text wrap
function, regardless of how I do the picture insertion. I will give my right
arm for a coherent step by step process. (And yes, I have read through the
posts here about inserting, and I've also gone through online help via the
program itself, and have had no satisfaction.)

It's never been this awkward before - Word 07 seems to be so unlike the
prior versions (been a user for about 15 years, maybe longer). And the Word
templates don't function at all the way Publisher did years ago (and I no
longer have publisher, anyway).

Thank you in advance! <<

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

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