Word 2007 VBA User Forms Accelerator Key



When we set property Accelerator Key for controls on User Form, for example,
checkbox, the relevent letter is not underlined when running the form. As a
result, the user cannot know which key (together with ALT) accelerates the

Does anyone have a workaround for this problem?

We are using Hebrew/English Word 2007 (SP1) -- is this perhaps a fault in
other languages as well?

Thanks in advance for any help.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Are you sure that the height of the control is sufficient for the underscore
to be displayed? With the above proviso, the underscore is displayed in the
English version of Word 2007.

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP


Thank you, Doug, I appreciate your help. Following your suggestion, I tried
exaggerated height & width measurements, including "Format + Fit to Size",
but still no displayed underline. It would look as if this is a fault
specific to some non-Latin languages; it's nothing fatal, of course, but it's
a shame to lose the elegance/professionalism of the user form. Again, many

Chip Orange

Try going into the control panel and choosing the Display choice. In there
choose the "Appearance" tab, and press the "Effects" button.

In this dialog there's a checkbox to hide keyboard shortcut indications
until the alt key is pressed; you should uncheck this checkbox and see if it



Did as you suggested (great idea!), but unfortunately the underscore is still
missing. Too bad, but still a great idea. Thanks.

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