Word - Page Breaks



Howdy all,

Am in the process of writing a script -160 pages long -
an need to know how I can stop Word from changing the
page breaks every time I open the file anew?

Is there a way I can say- the page ends here, end of
matter, so to speak...



You can insert a hard page break by pressing Ctrl+Enter, BUT if you add some
more text to the page, you might cause it to flow over to a new page in
which case you may end up with only a couple of lines on that page.

You can also format paragraphs to have a page break before them.

Please post any further questions or followup to the newsgroups for the
benefit of others who may be interested. Unsolicited questions forwarded
directly to me will only be answered on a paid consulting basis.

Hope this helps
Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Robert M. Franz (RMF)

Hi Jason
Am in the process of writing a script -160 pages long -
an need to know how I can stop Word from changing the
page breaks every time I open the file anew?

Word is not doing that, provided that you are not opening the document
on another PC
- with another printer driver (in conjunction WITH having checked the
mean compatibility option that uses printer settings to lay out
documents), or
- a font used is missing, or
- you have changed the document's styles and let Word overwrite these
with the template's styles each time you open the document (Tools |
Templates and add-ins)

While you are still in the process of writing the script, do not bother
about pagination at all. That's something done in the very end. Setup
your styles smartly, i.e. give a "page break before" to the higher
heading levels, and off you write.


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