work customizable situations problem



On the work computer, we have office '98 w/out access programs to work with.
Problem at work: Which program (word or excel ect.) and features would best
create a customizable per situation, printable transaction problems list, for
each rejected customer transaction?:

Overview: We process varying transactions for customers. Depending on the
type of transaction, a variety of forms and items are require to be completed
by various entities. (Yes this is a government job! LOL)
When one of our personnel must reject their customer's transaction for
incomplete or missing items/forms, the personnel must type out the reject
reasons-items with instructions from their computer. This method is very
time consuming and imperfect for our personnel.

Ideally instead from their computer, our personnel needs to be able to view
a list of virtually all the possible transactions reject reasons, and then
check off-activate for printing, only the reject reasons that apply to a
particular customer's transaction. So our personnel can hand the customer
the printed list of their transactions reject reasons and corresponding
instructions for the customer to follow so their transaction will be
acceptable upon the customer's return.

I know in excel one can ctrl select only the rows they want to be printed.
But I imagine there is a better way to this that I haven't thought of.

Any input would be great, thanks!

Bob I

If you have Office 98 you are running a Macintosh. This group is mainly
Windows MS Office users, so perhaps you would get a better answer if you
asked in the group.


My mistake, it's Office 97, it's not Macintosh. I do also have Office 2003 on
my home computer.
Bob, do you have an idea for my original post-problem?

Bob I

You have Office 2003 but not Access? It sounds like you will need to
invest a bit of macro programing time to make this click and print thing
work. With Excel you might set it to Sort on the "check boxes" and then
you could Select that area to print as the main document, and then use
Hyperlinks on each line to print the individual supporting documents.
You may even what to look at the "Data","List" feature.


Thanks Bob, Ya like I said, I have 2003 - w/access too at home but at work we
don't have access.
Thanks for your ideas, I'll get on it.

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