XP VBA Compile error...Missing files



I have been developing software in VBA on a windows2000 machine without
problems, but recently we have had several new XP machines in, and that
is where the problem starts.

One particular .xla I have written will work on windows 2000, but will
not run on XP.

The following error message is displayed:

Compile Error: Can't find Project or Library.

I looked up this error and followed the apropriate actions (basically
identify missing files and load them in the references dialog).

The problem files are Filemgmt.dll 1.0 and Shappmgr 1.0 (appwiz.dll)

appwiz.dll is not on the XP computer, so I don't know where to go with
that one.

more annoyingly Filemgmt.dll is on the XP machine, but it says it cant
load it!

Does anyone know of a way to solve this problem?

Many thanks in advance



I had the same problem with a bunch of my VBA stuff when we upgraded to XP
from 2000. For the most part, I found that if I simply removed the reference
when the add-in manager/reference dialog said the file was "Missing" I
didn't have any problem. I'm guessing some of the "external" references (i.e.
to .dll's) havebeen "internalized" in XP??


I can get the macro to run as you describe, but each time it is loaded,
the references must be deleted. Very annoying.

I think I may have found a solution to my problem though:

What I did was export all of my procedures and forms to .bas and .frm
files and then load them all into a fresh workbook on the XP machine.
The new macro appears to work fine on XP and 2000.

I haven't done extensive testing yet, but i did notice that the new
file (which contains exactly the same forms and procedures as the old
file) is almost half the size! So my guess is that some very old
code/references were never properly removed by VB during my many


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