"login failure"



every 5-10 minutes when i'm using entourage the following message pops up...

the server for account " " returned the error "logon failure: unknown user name or bad password." Your username/password or security settings may be incorrect. would you like to try re-entering your password?

so every 5-10 min i have to re-enter my password. anyone know why and how to change this. i thought when i installed 2008 that would change but it hasn't. it did it in 2004 and again now in 2008

William Smith

Jolly said:
Does anyone know what is causing all these posts to appear here with
<br><br> tags interspersed throughout? It's pretty irritating!

Yes, it's Mactopia's new portal to the newsgroups
<http://www.officeformac.com/ProductForums/Entourage/>. You'll notice
all of these are coming from the officeformac.com domain.

I've reported the HTML messages already. If I don't hear anything soon
I'll escalate.



William M. Smith, Microsoft Interop MVP - Mac/Windows
Entourage Help Page <http://entourage.mvps.org/>
Entourage Help Blog <http://blog.entourage.mvps.org/>

Adam Bailey

Jolly Roger said:
Interesting. That's the first time I've ever seen this web interface.
Kind of hard for me to imagine how anyone would prefer that over a
Usenet client interface, but hey - to each his own. ; )

In fact, these days it appears most people access these groups through the

Diane Ross

In fact, these days it appears most people access these groups through the

Well if they don't fix the font size so I can read it, I'm going to stop
replying to messages.

I'm not sure if this is a result of the interface but I'm seeing a lot of
messages that are snippets of info. I have no clue what the original message
was and don't have the time to try searching for it either. If users want
answers they need to give full questions and learn to include previous
messages in the thread.

Sorry for the rant but this new interface is taking more time to get to the
real work of answering questions.

Adam Bailey

Diane Ross said:
I'm not sure if this is a result of the interface but I'm seeing a lot of
messages that are snippets of info. I have no clue what the original message
was and don't have the time to try searching for it either. If users want
answers they need to give full questions and learn to include previous
messages in the thread.

All the more reason (for us) to use a newsreader that supports proper
reference-based threading.

Eric T.

I have been experiencing this, too. It also happened in Entourage 2004, so it is not a new bug. Disappointed it's not fixed.

Here's the workaround: when this happens you need to answer "No" then quit Entourage. Restart it. Problem goes away. At least for a while.

Hopefully Microsoft can fix this. I'm really surprised this bug is still in the product.

Scott Silverberg

hello. I am getting an error message each time I try and open entourage to connect to my exchange server it says can not connect because the root certificate is not installed. What is this and where do I get the root certificate from? Thank you

Scott Silverberg

hello. I am getting an error message each time I try and open entourage to connect to my exchange server it says can not connect because the root certificate is not installed. What is this and where do I get the root certificate from? Thank you

Scott Silverberg

hello. I am getting an error message each time I try and open entourage to connect to my exchange server it says can not connect because the root certificate is not installed. What is this and where do I get the root certificate from? Thank you

William Smith

Scott said:
hello. I am getting an error message each time I try and open entourage
to connect to my exchange server it says can not connect because the
root certificate is not installed. What is this and where do I get the
root certificate from? Thank you

Hi Scott!

You'll need to get this from your Exchange Server administrator. He will
provide you something like a .cer file that you can double-click and
import with the Keychain Utility on your Mac.

If you're running Mac OS X 10.5 then you may want to read my blog post
Be sure to read the comments.

Hope this helps!



William M. Smith, Microsoft Interop MVP - Mac/Windows
Entourage Help Page <http://entourage.mvps.org/>
Entourage Help Blog <http://blog.entourage.mvps.org/>

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