5008 error


Kurt Verhaegen

Since a day we are no longer able to connect to our Project Server 2003
neither from PWA or ProjProf. Error: 'An internal server error has occurred
and project cannot log you on this time. please try again later (5008)'.
I' ve followed the procedure with Editsite & reset password of user accounts
in SQL to typically solve 5001 error however no positive progress.

Anybody a solution for the 5008 error?
Thanks a lot,

Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


What changed on your network or server? Ask your network folks. Are you
certain that your SQL server is healthy? Can you logon to it separately?

Kurt Verhaegen

The SQL server is in good health, other applications & db's are accessible,
also via the 2 MSproj... accounts I can access the database. We're running
2003 SP1.
According to the network folks nothing has changed to the server.
The connection tests have also being executed on the server but without
Even the SQL profiler shows some activity (SP:
MSP_Web_sp_qry_getadminlogonsettings). Via filemonitor no errors about
accessing certain files.
Other hints?
Greetings, Kurt

Kurt Verhaegen


Our security team have updated the server with a bunch of security patches
for the OS.
Using MS support, troubleshooting the server no configuraton anomolities are
found. They suspect the problem relies in MS Project binaries or OS security
patches. Solutions: upgrade to SP2a (overwrite binaries), reinstall Project
Server or worst case reinstall server from scratch.

FYI: we received first 5001, once you try to logon on (since editsite is OK,
so 5001 is not correct), you get 5008. If you reset the password via SQL ent
mgr, you receive 5016.

Greetings, Kurt

Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


Neither the reinstall binaries option nor the apply SP2a option are
particularly onerous, so give it a whirl. I'll send your post along to
interested parties on the product team and see what they say.

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