a bunch of questions



Hello Group!

I need help.

Want to select a box 'n paint it red. The box is grouped with several other
shapes. Everytime I click, I get the group shape not the box. How to get
the box??

Second question: Is it possible to resize a textbox or a box depending on
the text inside? So it will resize according to the text's length; the font
is not monospace btw.

Another question: Can I put the text of a Connector at the start or end
point instead of the default which is at the center?

Another one: How to turn on Glue to Shape Geometry in coding (C#)?

Last one: Is there an auto-arrange method that can be called, so that
shapes arrange themselves nicely?

Lotsa thanks!

- ichanop


Can you help me with the first question? I really stuck on that one.
I did what the sample in SDK tell me to do; using
clickedWindow.PageAsObj.get_SpatialSearch() method I got the Selection
consisting of shape(s). Within this Selection I do iteration and each
Selection I do iteration of Shapes, there then I found my shape. So
basically the shape I want (a box) is within a grouped shape. But is
that box is currently selected or not I dunno cause there's no property
telling that it is currently selected. What if I select a circle within
the same grouped shape? the get_SpatialSearch() only returns the grouped
shape, not the shape within even if the shape within is actually
selected. Please help me get the box, please. Thank you for your help.

- ichanop

Al Edlund

I'd probably approach it a little differently. When you select the object on
the page Visio will fire off a 'Window Selection Changed' event which can be
captured. I would then check to see what object(s) were selected (i.e.
iterate through the list). Each object will have to be checked to see if it
is a simple or group, something like this

If visShape.Type = visTypeGroup Then
'Debug.Print "it is a group
Set visEmbShape = visShape.Shapes(X) ' where x is the sub
shape in the group
'Debug.Print "instantiate an embedded shape"
' do something with the shape (examine, alter, etc.)
End If


ichanops said:
Can you help me with the first question? I really stuck on that one.
I did what the sample in SDK tell me to do; using
clickedWindow.PageAsObj.get_SpatialSearch() method I got the Selection
consisting of shape(s). Within this Selection I do iteration and each
Selection I do iteration of Shapes, there then I found my shape. So
basically the shape I want (a box) is within a grouped shape. But is
that box is currently selected or not I dunno cause there's no property
telling that it is currently selected. What if I select a circle within
the same grouped shape? the get_SpatialSearch() only returns the grouped
shape, not the shape within even if the shape within is actually
selected. Please help me get the box, please. Thank you for your help.

- ichanop

most of what you have asked is in this document
http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/devref/HTML/DVS_01 _Introduction

after that can check into David Edson's book, followed by an even more
detaile review from Graham Widemans book (visio developers survival
...) al


but the problem is the X; how to get which visShape.Shapes(X) that is
selected (have that green dotted line).

among all shapes within visShape, let's say there are two: rect and
circle; how do I know that currently the rect is selected?


I'd probably approach it a little differently. When you select the
object on the page Visio will fire off a 'Window Selection Changed'
event which can be captured. I would then check to see what object(s)
were selected (i.e. iterate through the list). Each object will have
to be checked to see if it is a simple or group, something like this

If visShape.Type = visTypeGroup Then
'Debug.Print "it is a group
Set visEmbShape = visShape.Shapes(X) ' where x is the
shape in the group
'Debug.Print "instantiate an embedded shape"
' do something with the shape (examine, alter, etc.)
End If


ichanops said:
Can you help me with the first question? I really stuck on that one.
I did what the sample in SDK tell me to do; using
clickedWindow.PageAsObj.get_SpatialSearch() method I got the
Selection consisting of shape(s). Within this Selection I do
iteration and each Selection I do iteration of Shapes, there then
I found my shape. So basically the shape I want (a box) is within a
grouped shape. But is that box is currently selected or not I dunno
cause there's no property telling that it is currently selected. What
if I select a circle within the same grouped shape? the
get_SpatialSearch() only returns the grouped shape, not the shape
within even if the shape within is actually selected. Please help me
get the box, please. Thank you for your help.

- ichanop

most of what you have asked is in this document
http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/devref/HTML/DVS_01 _Introduction

after that can check into David Edson's book, followed by an even
more detaile review from Graham Widemans book (visio developers
survival ...) al

Hello Group!

I need help.

Want to select a box 'n paint it red. The box is grouped with
several other
shapes. Everytime I click, I get the group shape not the box. How
to get the box??

Second question: Is it possible to resize a textbox or a box
depending on the text inside? So it will resize according to the
text's length; the font
is not monospace btw.

Another question: Can I put the text of a Connector at the start or
end point instead of the default which is at the center?

Another one: How to turn on Glue to Shape Geometry in coding (C#)?

Last one: Is there an auto-arrange method that can be called, so
that shapes arrange themselves nicely?

Lotsa thanks!

- ichanop


Mark Nelson [MS]

ActiveWindow.Selection returns a Selection object that contains the
currently selected shapes. When working with groups, you need to set the
IterationMode property on the Selection object so that Visio reports on the
sub-shapes in the selection.

Mark Nelson
Microsoft Corporation

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

ichanops said:
but the problem is the X; how to get which visShape.Shapes(X) that is
selected (have that green dotted line).

among all shapes within visShape, let's say there are two: rect and
circle; how do I know that currently the rect is selected?


I'd probably approach it a little differently. When you select the
object on the page Visio will fire off a 'Window Selection Changed'
event which can be captured. I would then check to see what object(s)
were selected (i.e. iterate through the list). Each object will have
to be checked to see if it is a simple or group, something like this

If visShape.Type = visTypeGroup Then
'Debug.Print "it is a group
Set visEmbShape = visShape.Shapes(X) ' where x is the
shape in the group
'Debug.Print "instantiate an embedded shape"
' do something with the shape (examine, alter, etc.)
End If


ichanops said:
Can you help me with the first question? I really stuck on that one.
I did what the sample in SDK tell me to do; using
clickedWindow.PageAsObj.get_SpatialSearch() method I got the
Selection consisting of shape(s). Within this Selection I do
iteration and each Selection I do iteration of Shapes, there then
I found my shape. So basically the shape I want (a box) is within a
grouped shape. But is that box is currently selected or not I dunno
cause there's no property telling that it is currently selected. What
if I select a circle within the same grouped shape? the
get_SpatialSearch() only returns the grouped shape, not the shape
within even if the shape within is actually selected. Please help me
get the box, please. Thank you for your help.

- ichanop

most of what you have asked is in this document

after that can check into David Edson's book, followed by an even
more detaile review from Graham Widemans book (visio developers
survival ...) al

Hello Group!

I need help.

Want to select a box 'n paint it red. The box is grouped with
several other
shapes. Everytime I click, I get the group shape not the box. How
to get the box??

Second question: Is it possible to resize a textbox or a box
depending on the text inside? So it will resize according to the
text's length; the font
is not monospace btw.

Another question: Can I put the text of a Connector at the start or
end point instead of the default which is at the center?

Another one: How to turn on Glue to Shape Geometry in coding (C#)?

Last one: Is there an auto-arrange method that can be called, so
that shapes arrange themselves nicely?

Lotsa thanks!

- ichanop


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