Access 2000 almost works with MSDE 2000:



I launch Access 2000 with an .adp I created myself with the Wizard. It's a
clean new file, with only Stored Procedures showing up in the
"adp1:Database"-captioned project window. If I click on a Stored Procedure,
and then press <Design>, another window with a white background displays for
a fleeting couple of milliseconds on top of the z-order, and then
disappears. If I press <Design> again, the same thing happens. Again and
again, if I press <Design>, a window with a white background displays
briefly and then very rapidly disappears.

If I menu the File!Connection...!Data Link Properties window and <Test
Connection>, I get:

Microsoft Data Link


Test connection succeeded.


If I press <New> (rather than press <Design>) in the Stored Procedures area
of the adp1:database project, this message, on the other hand, immediately
pops up in response. (The Gertrude Stein-like stanza is verbatim from the
message box that appears on my screen):

_Microsoft Access_


Microsoft Access can't find the object 'Microsoft Access can't find the
object 'StoredProcedure1.'.'.

* You misspelled the object name. Check for missing underscores (_) or
other punctuation, and make sure you didn't enter leading spaces.
* You tried to open a linked table, but the file containing the table isn't
on the path you specified. Use the Linked Table Manager to update the link
and point to the correct path.


If I try Exporting a stored procedure to somewhere else on my drive, I get
this dialog displayed:

_Microsoft Access_


There was a problem accessing a property or method of the OLE onject.

Try one or more of the following:
* Verify that the OLE server is registered correctly by reinstalling it.
* Make sure your computer is connected to the server on which the OLE server
application resides.
* Close the OLE server and restart it outside of Microsoft Access.
Then try the original operation again from within Microsoft Access.


This is all one machine. It happens whether I have the loopback
adapter enabled or disabled. I can at all times use the ad hoc command line
interface to MSDE, which I can see sitting in the tray-on, with a
green-arrowed icon-so I know I've got a working "--local--" or
\\ROBERT-0AX0AGG0 instance.

Why can't Access detect this? Thank you for any assistance that you can

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