Access 2002 crashing



Hi there! Boy do I have a problem. Access 2002 (on a W2K
machine) crashes everytime I open a database. I don't
have to do anything but open it. It throws a "Microsoft
Access has encountered a problem and needs to close.
We're sorry for the inconvenience." window and then
proceeds to... you know the routine. I'm stumped since it
does this just by opening a database - ANY database so I
know it isn't the MDB or ADP file itself. It's the

I've tried "Repairing" the installation. I've uninstalled
Access and re-installed it. No help. I've used the
online Office XP Updater - no help. I've looked in the
KnowledgeBase (an oxymoron) - no help. Out of ideas.

Anyone out there experienced this problem? Got a solution?

Tons of thx in advance!


Tom Wickerath

I've looked in the KnowledgeBase (an oxymoron) - no help.
That's a pretty vague statement. Which KB articles did you find? Try this one:


Hi there! Boy do I have a problem. Access 2002 (on a W2K
machine) crashes everytime I open a database. I don't
have to do anything but open it. It throws a "Microsoft
Access has encountered a problem and needs to close.
We're sorry for the inconvenience." window and then
proceeds to... you know the routine. I'm stumped since it
does this just by opening a database - ANY database so I
know it isn't the MDB or ADP file itself. It's the

I've tried "Repairing" the installation. I've uninstalled
Access and re-installed it. No help. I've used the
online Office XP Updater - no help. I've looked in the
KnowledgeBase (an oxymoron) - no help. Out of ideas.

Anyone out there experienced this problem? Got a solution?

Tons of thx in advance!



I'm having exactly the same problem-- and I'm running on
Windows XP. I tried the KB reference Tom suggested, but to
no avail.

SOme KB artices I've read point to a printer driver
problem sometimes causing crashes. I've uninstalled and
reinstalled my printers. No luck.

Please help!

Tom Wickerath

Hi Carmen,

Can you reproduce this error if you boot into safe mode before starting Access? Have you
deleted all files from your temp. folder?

I would try completely removing Office from this PC. Use the instructions shown in as a start:

To remove and reinstall the installation, follow these steps:

NOTE: If you have Microsoft Visual Basic with Microsoft SourceSafe installed, you do not
have to uninstall the Visual Basic program. You only have to remove the SourceSafe
1.. Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.
2.. In Control Panel, double-click Add/Remove Programs. The Add/Remove Programs
Properties dialog box appears.
3.. Select the program to uninstall, and then click Add/Remove.
4.. Follow the instructions to remove all of the programs.
However, keep in mind that using the Maintenance mode to remove software will not remove
*ALL* files. You may have a corrupted file that is not being replaced during a
re-install, since the installation routine detects that it is already present. See the
following KB article:

HOW TO: Completely Remove Access 2000 from Your Computer

Note: I couldn't find a KB article of the same title for completely removing Access 2002,
but I suspect that the instructions in this article will still be valid. Check your
Office 2002 CD1 file to see if you can find a file similar to eraser2k.exe (Ref.: Otherwise, you may need to call Microsoft and
ask for assistance in completely removing your installation before attempting a reinstall.

Good Luck!


I'm having exactly the same problem-- and I'm running on
Windows XP. I tried the KB reference Tom suggested, but to
no avail.

SOme KB artices I've read point to a printer driver
problem sometimes causing crashes. I've uninstalled and
reinstalled my printers. No luck.

Please help!

Tom Wickerath


You are more likely to get a helpful answer if you take the time to list all of the steps you
have taken to try mitigating the problem. Simply stating "I'm having this same problem. Has
anyone found a solution to this one yet??" is too vague for anyone to want to spend time
attempting to help you. Is there any error message indicated?

Tom Wickerath

I'm having this same problem. Has anyone found a solution to this one yet??

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