Access Linked Tables and ASP



I have an Access Database that has some local tables and linked tables to a
SQL Server DB. I want to put this MDB up on the web and run some of the
queries from that MDB using ADO. I moved the MDB to thr web server,
created a DSN to the SQL Server on the web server and linked the tables. The
database opens fine from MS Access and I can run the queries.

So I created an ASP page, used an ADO command object with an OLEDB.Jet.4.0
connect string and tried to open one of the queries.

I connected to the MDB but then when I tried to run one of the queries, I
got an authentication problem with the DSN. I am not sure how to solve it.
I use NT authentication on the virtual directory, I used Integrated security
on the DSN. Does IIS use IUSER to as the user trying to use the DSN and not
the user I logged in when i hit the web page? Does it even allow me to
access the Linked table via the web?

I can always create all the tables I need in SQL and create views and stored
procs to do what the queries in the MDB are doing but if there is a simple
solution, that would be great!


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