Account name no longer in window title



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel
Email Client: pop

A few months ago, there was a post that provided links to an Apple script for fixing Entourage 2008's problem of not including the name of the Microsoft Identity in the main mail window. Presumably, when the script is run, the current Identity appears in the title window, instead of the not very useful "On My Computer." [I have several Office 2008 identities in the "Microsoft User Data" folder.]

Unfortunately, this Apple script did not work for me. Does anyone have hints about what I might do to make it work -- or other workarounds?

I've tried quitting the program and restarting the computer, but that doesn't seem to work.

Barry Wainwright

Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel
Email Client: pop

A few months ago, there was a post that provided links to an Apple script for fixing Entourage 2008's problem of not including the name of the Microsoft Identity in the main mail window. Presumably, when the script is run, the current Identity appears in the title window, instead of the not very useful "On My Computer." [I have several Office 2008 identities in the "Microsoft User Data" folder.]

Unfortunately, this Apple script did not work for me. Does anyone have hints about what I might do to make it work -- or other workarounds?

I've tried quitting the program and restarting the computer, but that doesn't seem to work.

you will have to give us a clue as to which script you are talking about :)

Diane Ross

Unfortunately, this Apple script did not work for me. Does anyone have hints
about what I might do to make it work -- or other workarounds?

Did you drag the script to the Script Menu Items folder?

When you select the script from the Menu bar, it displays a window with the

I hate this omission too. If you create a folder named for Identity name and
force it to the top with a space in front of the folder, this will show you
which Identity you are in.

Basically, you should only use one Identity at a time, but many users have
an archive Identity or test Identities. If you find you are constantly
switching Identities you should merge the Identities.

If you are using different Identities for different email accounts, this is
not necessary. You can use rules to keep your data separate.

Hope this helps!

Barry Wainwright

Diane said:
I think it was one of yours. It's on the downloads page under "Entourage
2008 Specific".


OK, that script simply displays the identity name in a pop-up dialog -
it will not rename the Entourage window. I can imagine ways in which
that may be accomplished, but it would be a deep down dirty hack of the
application resources and not something I would want to support!


As you rightly pointed out, the script does not solve the problem. I am yet another user who has multiple Entourage identities (one for me personally, one for my business, one for my husband) and thinks that it is a mistake for Office 2008 to remove this useful feature. I want to see at a glance which identity is active when I look at my Entourage window. PLEASE reinstate this feature.

Diane Ross

As you rightly pointed out, the script does not solve the problem. I am yet
another user who has multiple Entourage identities (one for me personally, one
for my business, one for my husband) and thinks that it is a mistake for
Office 2008 to remove this useful feature. I want to see at a glance which
identity is active when I look at my Entourage window. PLEASE reinstate this

I begged for that to be added back during the beta. There's plenty of screen
real estate to add it, but it fell on deaf ears. I suggest you create a
folder and name it the Identity name. Force it to the top of your folder
list by placing a space(s) in front. It's better than nothing.

As far as you having one for personal and business, that's totally
unnecessary. Entourage can keep both separate in one Identity. Create a

Account is "Personal"
Move to folder (inbox personal) <---you create the folder

Account is "Work"
Move to folder (inbox work) <---you create the folder

For more help with rules see:

As far as your husband's account, you should use the Apple way. Create a new
User in System Preferences. Open Entourage in the new User and create his
account there. With Fast User switching this is actually faster than
quitting all Microsoft applications than switching Identities.

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