Actual work affected based on working days in calendar




We are experiencing quite a strange error on our servers.

We have updates our staging environment to SP2 and April CU. Prior to this
we only had SP1 on.

We discover that when time is booked in the My Tasks page, submitted,
accepted and the project opened with a SP2 client the hours gets spread out
into the future.

For example it I booked 1 hour it gets turned into 0.25 and written over the
next few days to make up 1 hour.

The strange part is this only happens for resources that has a calendar
which allows for Saturday and Sunday to be working days, from 08:00 to 12:00
and then from 13:00 to 17:00.

The other strange thing is that if the project is opened with a SP1 client
the hours seem to be fine.

And as soon as one of the 2 clients (SP1 or SP2) save the project after the
hours was accepted the hours shown in that client is committed and it
displays the same in both clients.

Can anyone please shed some light on this please?

(SP2 and a client with SP1 and KB952067 installed reacts the same)

Thanks a million.

Gary Chefetz

I believe that there is a fix for this in the April CU. Try that and see if
the behavior changes.

Gary Chefetz

Sorry, I mis-read the first post and didn't see that you had applied April
CU. This sounds like a regression error as this bug was corrected
previously. Just to be certain, what is the task type for these tasks? Any
chance that your are using Fixed Duration?


Thanks for the response.

Our investigation led us to believe that this happen an all task types,
although fixed work might be an exception I cannot recall whether or not it
happened with it.

Our first tests also focused on whether this has to do with fixed duration
tasks. Though I do suspect duration is one of the affected parties
contributing the end result but not the cause.

Some more investigation led me to find replays by you on other posts
referring the June Cumulative Updates.

Are you aware of whether the fix was included, reading the KB would suggest
that it is.
(If you need more info from me to be sure of the exact issue I’ll be happy
to provide)

June CU should be cumulative of all others, should they not?
So if we then upgrade from a SP1 environment we can safely only apply SP2
and the June CU?

Gary Chefetz

I suggest that you open a case with Microsoft on the basic issue. This is
important. Yes, CUs are cumulative and include all previous fixes.

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