Add this page to the navigation structure to display a page banner here


John Lowen

Frontpage 2003:

"Add this page to the navigation structure to display a page banner here"


Anyone know how I add the page to the navigation structure? Everything I've
tried doesn't work. My index
page has lost its banner and picture button/links. I can't
get them back in.



Thomas A. Rowe

In Navigation View. Have you change the name of your home page?

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
If you feel your current issue is a results of installing
a Service Pack or security update, please contact
Microsoft Product Support Services:
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security update, then there is usually no charge for the call.

Nicholas Savalas -

Dear John,
As Mr. Rowe correctly states, in navigation view. First open the site,
then the page, then click the web site tab at the top left of the page
editor. Nav view is then at the bottom. I recommend NOT using the
shared borders/navigation/banners/hit counters in FP, but that's just
me. Make your own, the FP stuff is a migraine waiting to happen. If you
use 'em, validate your page later at
and get the aspirin out. Anyway, good luck, John.

John Lowen

Thanks for responding.

I haven't changed the name as far as I know. It's still
index.html but I did change the banner text. Is that changing the name?

The button/links bar on the left is a problem too and reads:
[Add this page to the Navigation view to display hyperlinks here]

How do you add it to the navigation view is what I can't figure out. What
does it mean to DO that? The index page is shaded and at the top of the
Navigation Pane.



Nicholas Savalas -

Dear John,
I see what you mean - the actual 'how to' is what you don't understand.
Open the folder view (a list of your documents: view -> folders...) on
the left side, and the navigation view (I told you how to do this
before) on the right side. Grab the page that you want to add to the
navigation view by finding it in the folder view, grab it (holding down
the left mouse button on it) and drag it where you want the page to be
in your navigation. Pay attention to the faint lines that appear when
you're moving your page around ; that is where it will be in your
site's hierarchy. Then, let go, John. Use the force, John. When you
open up the page again for editing, it will take an extra moment for
FrontPage to bring it to you, as it will be recalculating your
navigation. Your banners or navigation will magically appear. Good

John Lowen


Thanks for the suggestion but it's not working. The page that is the
problem is the index.html page which is already in the navigation pane.
I get the not allowed symbol when I attempt to drag it from the folder
view to the navigation pane. Not sure what's wrong. All my other pages
have the buttons and banner on them. Only index.html is missing both!


Nicholas Savalas -

Dear John:
Oops. "The index page is shaded and at the top of the Navigation
I missed that before. Right click on index.html in navigation view and
select include in navigation - also "Set as home page" there, too.
Also, make sure no other page is named index.htm/asp or default.
htm/html/asp. Home page has a little house on it.
Sorry. Just reread your earlier posts. See if thats it.

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