Adding a page number to a bookmark




I'm trying to figure out how to do the following.

I am doing minutes and whenever a motion made, I would like to bookmark the
motion and then insert it into a list which contains all motions made in the
document. The list will be at the end of the document. I also want to be able
to include the page number of where that motion is to be found in the main

I am relatively new to using bookmarks, but I have figured out how to reference
the bookmark, but can't seem to work out how to include the page number.

Can this be done?

I am using Word 2000 and am up-to-date with all services packs.


Greg Maxey


Have you considered marking your "motions" as an Index entry with the
current page option and then creating an Index at the end of your document?


No I haven't as I hadn't graduated to that level of Word usage - yet. I have
only just recently discovered a use for bookmarks. However, after looking
through Word's help files, it seems like a reasonable - and doable solution.

Thanks for the suggestion!

Charles Kenyon

I believe you can with the Insert => Cross Reference... dialog. You would
actually be inserting two cross-references, one that has the bookmark, the
other that gives the page number. As pointed out, an index would probably be
easier, or a table of contents listing only the level 9 paragraphs and using
heading 9 style for the title of your motion. (Yes you can put a TOC at the
end of the doc.)

Charles Kenyon

See the MVP FAQ: <URL:> which is awesome!
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Hi Charles, thanks - that was what I was thinking I would have to do, but
hadn't thought of using the TOC to accomplish it. Now if I could only get Word
to transcribe for me.......sigh.

Cheers, Angela

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