Adding up work for predecessors



I can select a task an either use Split or Task Information -->
Precedecessors to see all the predecessors for the task. Does anyone know
how to add up all the values for work of the predecessors to see that total
amount of work for the item and all its predecessors. Using summary task is
not an option because I am using summary task to represent component areas
that get summed, but the critical path spans component areas.



Jack Dahlgren

I can imagine a way to do this based on my trace macro which traces all
predecessors to a selected task, but the results would only be valid if all
of the predecessors have a single successor. If that is the case then you
could modify the trace macro by adding a couple of lines.

You would add a couple lines to select all tasks which are displayed after
the filter and then add up the work for each of them.

If you really want to do this and you are certain that all predecessors have
only a single successor, let me know by posting here and I may have time to
add a couple of lines of code.


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