Address Book - Miscrosoft Web Access



Hello, I had a question about the address book in MS Web Access. We are
using Exchange 2000 Outlook Web Access.

What I want to know is: Is there a link to the ADDRESS BOOK, that I can use
on my website? I want to create a link so that users can click it, and
search for e-mail addresses in the Exchange Server .... Anyone know if and
how this can be done? I don't want users to log in to there mail, because we
are dealing with 3000 users, and some of them just don't understand it when
I tell them to click on the addy book in the web access. This will make my
life alot easier if I can do this... I think it was possible in Exchange 5.0
or 5.5, but cannot figure it out for this one... Please help.


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