Advanced Search - Custom/New fields



I have developed a custom form for our Outlook 2003 calendar appointments
which simply adds a tab for management to document details of the meeting, in
a specific format/template they desired. That's working fine.

This resides in a public mailbox that they all access to keep all meetings
and customer contacts up to date.

They would like to be able to search all fields for specific information,
like all meetings with a particular customer in the past 30 days or all
meetings that discussed a certain subject where the subject and attendees are
only found in one of the new custom fields I created.

In the simple search built into Outlook, it seems to be searching a limited
number of fields, and not the ones I created. In the advanced search, I can
select a single field, but not all fields so they have to have pre-knowledge
of which field the info might be in. Is there a simple way to select "Search
all fields" that includes my new custom fields or a way to do this via VB ?
Any examples of simple search forms out there that might help me see how to
do this ?

I wanted them to be able

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