Aliases !!!


Peter Totev


I make one project in Visio 2003. I link a shape from Visio with table from
Access Data Base.
In this Access Table I have a LookUp field.
And the problem is that in visio for this LookUp field is visualize a
number(the Id).
I want to be visualize the value of the this LookUp field which is some
I heard that I can make this with "Alias".But I don't know how to make this.
And where I have to use this Aliases in Visio or in Access.
I tried to find something for Aliases in help of Visio and Access but with
no success.
Can Somebody can help me with this problem please ?

Tnank you in advanced!


Hi Peter,

When you use the link to database wizard and select a field and then choose
the advanced button you can check 'aliases'.
An alias is an alias name for an table.
In Access help under the section 'Create table aliases in a query (ADP' you
will find more on this topic
I don't know enough of Access to assist you here.
But I doubt though that an alias name will help you.
Suppose you have defined a listbox for your LookUp.
Visio will not add a listbox whith values from the referred table
It will only list the current value.

If you want to create a listbox for the referred table you will have to do
some manual work
First you will have to put the type of custom property to '4'
4 stands for listbox.
Then you need to populate the format cell with data from the referred table.
So you need to rerun the wizard for another shape and link this to the
referred table
The format cell will be something like
"Sheet.2!Prop.Record1;Sheet.2!Prop.Record2" etc.

It's a mountain task because for each value you have to rerun the database
Better is to take a chunk of values from Access and put them in shape and
then populate the format cell with all those values (so don't use the lookup


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