alignment controls on the form



I want to align controls and labels on the form in different place.
The controls and labels are hand in hand.
When I select controls and labels to move or alignment all comes together.

Are there any way to align controls only or labels only?

Your informaiton is greate appreciated,

Roger Carlson

In the upper left hand corner of any selected control or label, there is a
larger "handle" (black box for sizing or moving). If you click and drag
that box, you will move the control or label without affecting the other
one. If you want to completely separate them, select the label and "Cut" it
(Ctrl-X) and then Paste it back in (Ctrl-V). It will no longer be linked to
the control.

--Roger Carlson
MS Access MVP
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Thanks for the message,

It works for one label.

It does not work for multi controls.

I wanted to align many controls, but not labels vise versa.

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